Pour nous envoyer votre témoignage, merci de vous rendre sur la page contact.
Bonjour Cécile.
J'ai bien reçu un très beau Capuchadou.
Je remercie la maison Fontenille Pataud et particulièrement A lexis.
Michel R.
Je vous confirme la reception de mon couteau, j'en suis tres satisfait.
C Malcoeffe
Un Bonjour chaleureux à tt votre équipe et surtout un GRAND merci à votre "technicien coutelier " de m'avoir réalisé mon Capuchadou. À chaque fois que je le sors ce dernier fait son pt effet (c'est un sacré couteau, merveilleuse pièce..) dès lors j'en profite pr faire connaître votre Atelier.
À vs ts qui avaient la passion ou des projets un seul nom : FONTENILLE PATAUD
Qualité et Excellence st leur principaux " défauts ".... cqfd
Merci à vs Yann du geste sur le parking de Beaumont, je n'ai pas oublié malgré le temps. Merci
N. Bertrand
bien reçu le Capuchadou pointe corne. Superbe!
Richard P
J'ai reçu mon couteau capuchadu aujourd'hui. Il est magnifique et le guillochage est encore plus beau, plus fin que sur la photo du site. Merci à Alexis pour ce beau travail.
Chère équipe de Fontenille-Pataud,
ma commande, Le Capuchadou avec le molaire de mammoth bleu, est arrivée sans problème.
Je suis ravi ! Un couteau de rêve magnifique !
C'est une œuvre d'art !
Un grand merci à Sylvain pour cette œuvre d'art exceptionnelle !
Un grand merci à Clara pour ses très bons conseils et sa patience.
Un grand merci à vous tous !
Ce couteau me donne beaucoup de plaisir.
Meilleures salutations à vous de Cologne, Allemagne !
Que la France devienne championne d'Europe de football !
Michaela Schmitz (Allemagne)
Capuchadou 12 cm Pointe de corne
L'attente en valait la peine, une finition parfaite ainsi que le montage et le guillochage.
Tous mes remerciements à l'artisan qui à monté de A à Z ce couteau.
Je viens de prendre livraison de mon Capuchadou. A mon âge, je suis comme un enfant devant son sapin de Noël. Bravo pour la qualité de ce produit.
J-P Aubry
A toute l'équipe.
J'ai reçu mon CAPUCHADOU.
Damas rose, lame et Mitre.
Manche en loupe de bois de fer et gravage de mon prénom.
C'était une commande particulière, le travail est absolument parfait , tel que je le souhaitais.
C'est mon troisième capuchadou et à chaque fois c'est superbe.
Continuez à travailler de cette manière, vous êtes de dignes représentants de l'art de vivre à la Française.
Je repars au États Unis , ou je montrerai mon dernier couteau à tous mes amis.
Merci à tous et à bientôt
Bonjour Yann,
J ai bien reçu le capuchadou commandé
Mon frère ne pourra qu être ravi de ce cadeau pour ses 60ans.
Bien cordialement
Christine Consil
bien reçu le capuchadou en genevrier.......magnifique et félicitations pour votre travail!
bien cordialement
Dr R Pitovic
Bonjour Yann,
Je vous réponds un peu tardivement pour vous dire que je suis très satisfait de mon Capuchadou reçu il y a quelques jours maintenant. Manche en bois de fer plus trèfle avec œil de tigre magnifique, Félicitation à Pierre pour son travail.
Gilles S.
Bonne journée à tous Sur la route des vacances en Ardèche, j'avais prévu une visite à Fontenille Pataud. Parce que j'aime visiter l'atelier qui fabrique un couteau pour moi. Le contact personnel est très important pour moi. Une fois sur place, nous avons été très gentiment reçus par le patron de la maison. Après une explication experte des différents couteaux, j'ai décidé d'acheter un Le Capuchadou 12 cm Aiguilles Corne de Buffle avec incrustation de cornaline. Délai d'attente de 3 à 4 semaines. Après les formalités nécessaires, l'attente pouvait commencer. Comme il était déjà midi, le patron a fait une réservation pour nous dans un bon restaurant à Thiers. Après 4 semaines, un colis arrive de France. Le couteau est bien emballé et est accompagné d'une note de remerciement pour la visite. Le Capuchadou est vraiment beau et bien fait. Vous pourriez utiliser le Capuchadou pour les travaux lourds. Mais je ne vais certainement pas faire cela, je pense que c'est bien trop beau pour cela. Le Capuchadou ne sera utilisé que pour des occasions culinaires. Je peux être très bref sur Fontenille Pataud. Je le recommande vivement à tous ceux qui aiment un couteau beau et solide. Je suis très heureux de leur avoir rendu visite et d'avoir rencontré les personnes qui se cachent derrière le couteau. Je commanderai désormais un autre couteau en ligne sans aucun problème, même si je préfère une visite. Je tiens à remercier tout le monde à Fontenille Pataud pour l'accueil chaleureux et le magnifique Capuchadou.À la prochaine fois,Salutations,
Benny S.
PS : le restaurant était top. Nous y avons retrouvé la même ambiance agréable qu'à Fontenille Pataud.
Bonjour à l'équipe FONTENILLE PATAUD,
Le Capuchadou Guilloché - hêtre stabilisé debout, je l'ai regardé maintes fois sur le net pour le plus grand plaisir des yeux. Depuis ce matin, il est dans ma poche et s'y trouve très bien ! C'est un très beau couteau, remarquable tant par sa ligne épurée que par la qualité des ses matériaux harmonieusement assemblés.
Il se veut irréprochable, exempt du moindre petit défaut. Avec son "cousin germain" le 5 coqs - corne de bélier, reçu précédemment, ils font partie des plus beaux spécimens de ma petite collection de couteaux de poche. Tous mes remerciements aux couteliers de talent qui ont réalisé ces 2 superbes couteaux.
Meilleures salutations.
Bruno L.
Je remercie Yann de sa disponibilité, sa gentillesse, ses connaissances qui ont comblé mes exigences. Quant à l'équipe Gilles, je dirais "Mieux faire serait mal faire." Respect d'un amateur.
M. Beaucourt
Bonjour, j'ai reçu ma commande le 18 / juin / 2018.
Merci pour l'attention et la beauté du couteau. Jusqu'à la prochaine demande
Pedro Ernesto Ronzani
La qualité et la finition d'un modèle de couteau réalisé par Gilles et son équipe sont un gage de satisfaction sans réserve , pour un client fût-il exigeant ou de surcroît pour un collectionneur passionné. Merci encore pour votre professionnalisme et votre amour de votre métier porté si haut. Fidèlement vôtre.
Ma commande passée ce lundi matin, mon "Capuchadou" reçu ce mercredi midi. Belle réactivité !!!. Peut ont encore parler de couteau ??? Presque un bijoux au vu de la qualité de la matière et du travail effectué. Un grand MERCI à une Maison à recommandée et au Artisans à la Française !!!. Pierre
Bonjour, juste un petit message pour vous dire que j'ai bien reçu mon couteau. C'est vraiment une pièce unique et magnifique, je voulais juste remercier et féliciter le Coutelier qui a fabriqué ce couteau et qui porte haut le savoir faire de notre artisanat Français. Merci à vous.
Michel Lara
Reçu aujourd’hui...
Parfait !
C’est un vrai bonheur, il est magnifique. Bravo au concepteur et aux réalisateur/trice(s)…
Bonjour. J'ai bien reçu le couteau commandé. Il est très beau et très bien réalisé. Avec tous mes remerciements et mes meilleurs sentiments.
Alain B.
Cher Monsieur Delarboulas,
aujourd'hui j' ai reçu mon nouveau couteau et je suis très heureux. Je suis très sure il n'est pas mon dernière pas de votre coutilier. Merci beaucoup et escusez mon très mal français.
Au revoir et un bon weekend
Claus Pulwey
J'ai bien reçu le couteau, il et simplement parfait, un grand merci a toute l'équipe et sans doute a un prochain achat !!!
Jérémy Tisseur
Je vous avise de la bonne réception du colis. Les couteaux sont magnifiques.
Merci pour l'étui en cuir fort joli.
Je vous souhaite de passer d'excellentes fêtes de fin d'année et je vous adresse tous mes meilleurs vœux pour la nouvelle année 2017.
Bien cordialement
J'ai reçu le couteau commandé: il est magnifique....
La corne est superbe et donne au couteau un aspect brut adouci par la forme élégante de la lame et du manche.
Ce couteau est un mélange de rusticité et d'élégance.
Bravo c'est exactement ce que je recherchai.
Merci et félicitation pour votre travail.
Florence Trut
Jeviens de recevoir mon couteau, comme d'habitude satisfaction complète. Joli travail, finesse , travail super.
Quel savoir faire
J'ai bien reçu ma commande, superbe Capuchadou 12cm en loupe de peuplier guilloché, un grand merci et un grand bravo pour cette belle réalisation.
Je vous recommanderai auprès de mes amis amateurs de couteaux pliants.
J'attends avec impatience de pouvoir passer une nouvelle commande chez vous.
A très bientôt.
bien cordialement à vous.
Bruno Couturier
il est arrivé, magnifique, un grand merci,
Bonjour ,
Je viens de recevoir ma commande,le couteau est superbe . Merci
Bien cordialement .
Serge Ribkine .
Bonjour, J'ai saisi l'occasion (je ne pouvais faire autrement) d'acheter un des nouveaux Thiers à la Coutellia (manche en hêtre debout). Je ne peux que dire: travail impeccable (comme toujours, c'est mon troisième Gilles) et bois superbe. Félicitations et Merci!
Georges Bechet (Luxembourg)
Nous avons reçu notre couteau, et sommes très satisfaits de la qualité du travail. Nous sommes clients depuis quelques années et n'avons jamais été décus.
Nous avons transmis vos coordonnées à nos enfants qui sont également clients chez vous.
A bientôt pour une prochaine commande. Cordialement
Claude Carteret
Bonjour, Je vous ecris ce mail afin de vous confirmer la bonne reception de mon couteau. Je vous remercie, il est vraiment superbe. Bonne continuation.
Mathieu Cayla
Mes Capuchadou Fantastisch!Mooi afgewerkt! Tot nog eens.
Mady Van Ransbeeck uit Belgie
Je viens de recevoir le couteau. Il est vraiment très beau, un olivier de grande qualité et un fini impeccable. Je suis ravi, merci.
Bien cordialement,
Laurent Bordereaux
Super produit livré dans les temps. Ce couteau de haute qualité et de plus très beau représente pour moi le compagnon indispensable dans mes randonnées vélocipédiques : liberté pour partir à la rencontre des gens et de leur culture. Ma culture à moi, entre autres, c'est : saucisson, fromage, pain et vin. Alors, imaginez donc l'utilité d'une telle lame !
Jean-Luc Mercier
Il est agréable de constater à chacune de vos livraisons que le "fabriqué en France" par des artisans compétents est sans égal.
Merci de faire perdurer cette qualité que certains nous envient, mais sont incapables d'égaler.
Bravo encore pour la maitrise de votre art !
Salutations à toute votre équipe.
un travail exceptionnel!!! merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait. Vous êtes formidable!!!
Bonjour madame, monsieur,
j'ai reçu bien reçu mon couteau, il est tout simplement superbe !!! vraiment très enchantée par le travaille réalisé,
Mon mari avait déjà un laguiole avec une lame guillochée mais pas avec autant de détails, c'est vraiment de toute beauté. Très beau travail, j’insiste là dessus!!
Elodie Monardi
J'ai reçu hier mon laguiole avec sa nouvelle lame carbone.
Superbe travail ...Je trouve trés réussi l'association d'une lame "simple" avec un manche finement guilloché.
Malgé cette période de fin d'année, le délais entre mon envoie et le retour du couteau fut trés court !! On sent la volonté d'être disponible pour ses clients !
Heureusement qu'il existe encore des entreprises artisanales comme la votre ! Je ne manquerais pas une occasion de recommander à ceux qui cherche un beau couteau de poche d'aller sur votre site internet ...et de faire leur choix !
Mes remerciements , en particulier au compagnon qui a remplacé la lame.
Jean Louis Zulian
Couteau receptionné ce matin
Merci pour cette livraison rapide
Client ravi !
A bientôt
Philippe FREY
Le poids, la tenue dans la main, la lame, la beauté du couteau et notamment la gravure, tout transpire la qualité dans ce couteau. Merci et félicitations à vous et votre équipe pour ce travail.....
Christophe Savy
Je viens de recevoir votre magnifique couteau. Je vous remercie du fond du cœur de l’avoir réalisé en un temps record, il est arrivé avant même sa future propriétaire !!!
Encore merci,
Je vous souhaite de très bonnes fêtes de fin d’année
Cendrine Maguelonne
j'ai reçu mon couteau ce weekend , très belle realisation , la finition est superbe!!!
je suis très satisfait de mon achat et vous remercie de l'attention portée à la qualité du produit, surtout que j'avais besoin de recevoir le couteau plus tôt.
merci beaucoup.
J'accuse réception ce jour de mon "Capuchadou" : tout simplement superbe !!! Un vrai bijou.
Merci pour tout cet amour du travail bien fait.
Bien cordialement.
Le couteau est bien arrivé ! Il est vraiment beau, juste à ma main et comme je l'espérais. Vous féliciterez de ma part la personne qui a gravé le ressort avec mes initiales : cela valait la peine d'attendre toutes ces longues semaines !
Je ferai une photo dès que possible, et mettrai un message sur le site,
Bonne soirée et bien à vous,
Éric B.
J'ai bien reçu mon Capuchadou, il est absolument superbe et je tiens à remercier tout d'abord, Yann, pour sa disponibilité et son professionnalisme, Gilles et toute l'équipe pour la qualité des produits proposés. Je suis ravi...
Bernard Gustin
J'ai bien reçu mon couteau !!!! Il est vraiment superbe !!! Merci beaucoup continuez comme ça.
Francis Champeau
J’ai reçu le couteau ce jour…
Superbe comme tous ceux que j’ai déjà acheté chez vous par le passé…
Encore merci pour le travail réalisé,
JC Boiry
Knife arrived some days ago and I'm delighted with the workmanship and quality of service, thank you very much.
William G
suite à la bonne réception de mon couteau, je tenais vraiment à vous remercier pour l'époustouflante qualité de celui-ci ainsi que du soins que vous avez apportez à satisfaire mes demandes (bois, vis et damas sont exactement comme je l'espérais !)
Je suis tombé amoureux de ce couteau sur les photo de votre site, mais le résultat final, une fois dans la main, est bien au dessus de toutes mes espérances, c'est un véritable régal pour les yeux et un objet artisanal d'une qualité irréprochable !
C'est là pour moi le début d'une passion (je le craint !!)
Un très grand merci à toute votre équipe, autant pour le savoir-faire que pour l'accueil, et à bientôt très certainement !
Cordialement, Olivier.
Merci Yann pour ce très beau couteau, et merci Gilles pour la disponibilité lors des échanges avant commande.
Le couteau (Laguiole guilloché tire-bouchon) est superbe, sobre comme je l'ai demandé, avec un ajustage absolument impeccable : Un vrai régal à manipuler, souple et ferme à la fois!
Je me permet une toute petite remarque quand même concernant quelques petites traces regrettables bien visibles et facile d'accès, qui auraient pu être totalement gommées au polissage. La perfection aurait alors été de mise !
Malgré tout, j'ai mis du temps à trouver LE couteau qui émerveille dès la sortie de la boîte. C'est mon premier chez vous, pour un cadeau, mais ce ne sera sans doute pas le dernier ;)
Merci à toute l'équipe,
j'ai bien reçu mon capuchadou, merci pour la rapidité, pour le beau travail, en un mot du vrai professionalisme.
André Seriat
Je viens de recevoir la commande passée chez vous. C est un très beau couteau que je vais offrir, c est un travail d artiste.
Bravo Gilles, bravo le savoir faire, bravo la Marque. Continuez.
G Meynial
Bonjour Yann,
J’ai bien reçu les 2 couteaux. Je suis très content de l’aspect et de la réalisation.
Merci beaucoup.
Bonne journée
Je ne connaissais FONTENILLE-PATAUD que par son excellente réputation . Mais depuis ce matin, j'ai en main mon Gentleman guilloché, et je dois dire que je suis "bluffé" par la qualité de votre fabrication et le souci du détail qui est le votre.
Merci encore et recevez toute mon admiration,
j'attends un "CAPUCHADOU " de chez vous! J'ai hâte de le toucher.
Cordiales salutations.
Gérard Dupain
Merci pour ce magnifique couteau
Travail soigné, s'approchant de la perfection.
Il est agréable de voir encore de nos jours des gens tels que vous perpétuer ce savoir faire exceptionnel
Bravo, ce ne sera pas assurément ma derniere commande
Nicolas Giaccio
Bien reçu merci! Beau travail!
Michel Andréani
J'ai bien reçu le couteau.
Il est superbe. Bravo et merci pour votre travail.
Sincères salutations,
Bernard Le Maire
J'ai bien reçu mon capuchadou en belier qui est magnifique ! Je vous felicite pour ce magnifique travail et j'espère, a bientôt pour une nouvelle commande ! Bon courage tous !
Je viens de recevoir mon Rondinara.
Ce couteau est vraiment splendide : forme très originale, taille impressionnante, manche en corne de bélier superbe et mécanique super douce. Félicitations à tous, c'est vraiment une réussite!
Merci également pour la révision de mon Capuchadou, revenu comme neuf.
Denis Loiseau
Bonjour Monsieur Steinberg !
Je viens de recevoir vos couteaux, le chamois et le capuchadou en molaire de mammouth ! Milles félicitations à vous et vous couteliers !
Ce capuchadou est le plus beau couteau pliable “ abordable” que j’aie vu ! Je l’adore ! Bravo et au plaisir de nouvelles découvertes.
Cordiaux messages
Je viens de réceptionner mon couteau Capuchadou en molaire de Mammouth, il est superbe comme je l'imaginais, un grand bravo à toute l'équipe pour cette réalisation.
Carlos A
J'ai bien reçu ma commande. Superbe finition et livraison très rapide. Merci.
Patrick Muller
Bien reçu,
J’ai bien reçu le couteau.
Il est beau comme je l’ai imaginé.
Le diable est dans les détails, comme disent les Suisses!
C’est regrettable que l’inscription qui figure sur l’étui en cuir soit à l’envers quand on se saisi du couteau, dans son étui (je suis droitier)
Il faudrait avoir des étuis pour gauchers et droitiers !
Bien cordialement
Jean-Claude Jacquet
J'ai reçu le couteau. Il est magnifique! Merci!
Jean-Claude Irminger05/09/14
Le couteau, tout à fait conforme à notre demande, a finalement bien été relivré lundi dernier.
Disponibilité, qualité, emballage et respect des délais ont été au rendez-vous de cette commande, et je vous en remercie sincèrement.
Vous pourrez bien entendu utiliser ce témoignage sur votre site, et il n’est pas dit que je ne revienne vous voir, pour moi, et non un cadeau (ou bien disons un cadeau à moi-même) d’ici deux mois J
Excellente fin de semaine, en renouvelant mes remerciements.
P Guerin
Je tiens apporter également mon sentiment sur ma commande reçu en 15 jours.
Je vous remercie, travail parfait et contrat rempli par cette société; que dire de plus, sérieux et pro.
La gravure correspond parfaitement à ma demande.
Félicitation pour le savoir-faire de votre travail.
Bravo les artisans français.................
Eric Hermouet
J'ai recu aujourd hui ma commande et je voulais vous faire part de mon entière satisfaction.
Ce couteau est comme je le souhaitais de grande qualité , du travail artisanal , un bel objet très personnel offert pour mes 50 ans.
Merci pour la qualité de votre travail
Dominique La Saout
Tout est bien,et les délais sont respectés.
Pour ce qui en est de l'émerveillement au déballage,je dois reconnaître avoir été agréablement surpris.C'est vraiment du très très beau travail,ceux sont des vrais bijoux,on peut dire des perfections,du haut de gamme,il serait sans doute difficile de vouloir mieux. Je suis donc satisfait a + de 100% et je vous en remercie. L'ivoire de mammouth bleu apporte sa présence originale,mais je dois dire qu'en bois de pistachier,ça a son charme aussi. Mon épouse est enchantée,par cette belle surprise. Je suis très heureux d'avoir frappé a la bonne porte pour réaliser ce petit caprice,que du bonheur.
Bien a vous
Bonjour .
J'ai bien reçu le couteau .
Il est très beau . bravo pour votre maitrise ...
Cordialement .
Pierre Blanc
Bien reçu mes 2 capuchadous avec leur nouvelles lames, merci pour ce travail très bien effectué
Cher monsieur Steinberg,
J'ai reçu le couteau ce jour.
Je vous remercie.
Il est superbe.
Félicitation pour la qualité de votre travail.
A bientôt.
Bien à vous.
Thierry Detobel.
Arrivé aujourd'hui lundi, beau couteau.
Merci de votre célérité.
À bientôt.
J. Mazar
M. Faurieux
Je vous avise de la bonne réception du colis.
Les couteaux sont magnifiques.
Bien cordialement
M. Faurieux
J'ai bien recu le couteau: il est magnifique.
je vous remercie encore
J’ai commandé il y a quelques années un capuchadou manche en frêne à Monsieur Sossler, depuis ce couteau m’accompagne au quotidien et je ne me lasse pas de le regarder et de l’utiliser. J’ai reçu aujourd’hui ma dernière commande avec le manche en olivier, le veinage est vraiment superbe et globalement le couteau est magnifique.....c’est un cadeau que je destine à une personne de valeur...je suis très fier
C’est le troisième couteau que je commande et c’est toujours le même plaisir des yeux...!
Merci à tous pour ce très beau travail et à très vite pour une nouvelle commande
B.van Straaten
"Début décembre me voilà sur les routes enneigées, direction Thiers, pour une visite de votre atelier et surtout une commande du couteau que j'ai vu et revu sur internet le CAPUCHADOU.Arrivé sur place j'ai été acceuilli par Yann, qui m'a fait faire le tour des ateliers, et expliqué la fabrication des couteaux.
Ce jour là éléments par éléments j'ai choisi ceux qui allaient devenir mon CAPUCHADOU. Manche en corne de bellier, lame damas, gravure guillochache.
Deux semaines plus tard pour mon anniversaire j'ai reçu mon couteau, j'ai été emmerveillé par sa beauté et le travail qui avait été accompli.
Il correspond à toute mes attentes tant par sa ligne que par ses couleurs.
Un grand merci à Yann qui ma accordé de son temps, et à toute l'équipe pour son travail."
Bien cordialement
Buon giorno ho ricevuto oggi il coltello ne sono molto contento.
Un saluto Giuseppe
Bonjour Monsieur STEINBERG,
J'ai bien reçu mon couteau que j'ai envoyé se refaire une beauté dans vos ateliers après un petit souci et ce quatre jours après mon envoi.
Quelle rapidité !! Il est comme neuf, et tout cela gratuitement Quel sérieux !
J'utilise ce couteau quotidiennement depuis plusieurs années mais c'est toujours un rite quand je l'ouvre ou le ferme .
Je suis convaincu que je suis reparti pour plusieurs années mais encore plus sûr que je n'attendrai pas si longtemps pour une commande.
Enfin, il est réconfortant de savoir qu'il y a des entreprises qui travaille bien de ce pays.
Pascal MAIRE
J'ai reçu votre colis en début de semaine dernière.
Que du bonheur !
Deux couteaux magnifiques !
Les composants, le montage, le niveau de finition... Quelle classe !
Bravo et merci à toute votre équipe.
Meilleures salutations et à très bientôt !
William Gollut
Bonjour Gilles et à toute l'équipe,
J'ai bien reçu le Capuchadou molaire de mammouth,guillochage fin,vraiment magnifique,vous avez été à mon écoute,je vous ai demandé un ciselage de la mouche, parfaitement réalisé,étui cuir d'autruche en prime,que du bonheur pour les yeux.Merci à vous et à toute votre équipe
Didier Dagnaud
mon couteau Capuchadou 12 cm Damas vient d'arriver et il me plait beaucoup.
Merci et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année.
Mon couteau CAPUCHADOU 12 cm Damas vient d'arriver et il me plait beaucoup.
Merci et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année
Bonjour GILLES.
C’est avec beaucoup de retard que je viens vous remercier encore pour votre accueil et votre professionnalisme.Ci après mot pour votre livre d’or si vous le souhaitez....
J’ai fais réaliser il y a 10 ans un couteau lame damas et ivoire de phaco par Richard Sossler que j’utilise quotidiennement. La lame a pris du jeu et suite à la retraite de Richard je cherchais régulièrement sur le net le site Capuchadou. Après plus de 2 ans j’ai vu que vous aviez repris le flambeau. Lors de mon appel téléphonique vous me proposez de passer à l’occasion pour pouvoir vous prononcer. Début juillet je suis venu à votre magasin et vous m’avez demander si je pouvais patienter...
Vingt minutes plus tard vous me rapportez mon couteau comme neuf sans aucun jeu. Je vous demande combien je vous dois et vous me répondez RIEN......
A l’heure ou seul le profit est régulièrement pratiqué je ferai un seul commentaire BRAVO pour votre professionnalisme et encore MERCI...
Patrick Coquery.
Je viens de recevoir mon Capuchadou, manche bélier noir. Il est tout simplement magnifique. Le manche en corne de bélier noir est splendide.
Encore bravo à toute votre équipe pour ce beau travail,
Bien cordialement;
Denis Loiseau
J'ai bien reçu le couteau (Capuchadou 12 cm ivoire de mammouth bleu et Damas) et je dois vous dire que je suis entièrement ravi. C'est une pure merveille et je ne pouvais espérer mieux.
Je suis en admiration devant la beauté de cet ivoire bleu exceptionnel et devant la finesse du guillochage (une véritable œuvre d'art). Vous avez dû passer pas mal d'heures pour réaliser cette prouesse. CHAPEAU!!!
Je vous remercie chaleureusement et vous recommanderai à mon entourage s'il y a des amateurs de beaux couteaux de qualité.Peut-être qu'un jour je vous en achèterai un autre pour offrir.
PS: Merci également pour ce bel étui en autruche joint en cadeau.
Bien amicalement,
Bonjour Gilles,
Le capuchadou ivoire/damas 12 cms me comble au-delà de mes espérances (et pourtant je suis particulièrement exigeant)....Finitions, guillochages ressort et plaquette sont somptueux, le couteau offre aussi une prise en main très agréable. L'étui cuir d'autruche est peu commun et luxueux. Le seul inconvénient : votre réalisation va me faire craquer pour une prochaine acquisition.
Salutations très cordiales et chapeau bas pour vs-mêmes et votre équipe!
Alain Tarrius
Le capuchadou est arrivé aujourd'hui. Il est réellement magnifique.
Ce couteau est un présent pour ma femme, elle le trouve elle aussi très beau.
Merci beaucoup.
Y .Baillet, Paris
Reçu couteau hier. Merci pour votre réactivité, il est superbe, fidèle à votre réputation. Vivement la fin de l été pour mon prochain achat ( un capuchadou genévrier guilloché). Encore merci pour la boite en bois et continuez.
Cédric LAFON
Je vous confirme avoir bien reçu le couteau commandé.
Celui-ci est vraiment d'une qualité haut de gamme tant sur la corne que sur la lame qui est tranchante et affûtée.
Je vous souhaite de continuer aussi longtemps que possible sur cette voie de fabrication .
Meilleures salutations .
Bsr gilles
Je vous remercie de votre envoi. J'ai bien reçu ma commande du capuchadou cade-damas. Il est magnifique ainsi que la couleur de la pierre. Je suis ravi la lame également est superbe!
Bon week end et Bravo pour ce beau travail
Julien savoye
J'accuse bonne réception du couteau cité en référence et vous en remercie: il est arrivé ce matin en Suisse en parfait état.
Je regrette en l'admirant ne pas avoir commandé la version à lame damas...Il est très bien réalisé et je vous félicite d'avoir encore de vrais artisans pour la finition ! Je suis enthousiaste et ne puis que recommander votre maison. Bravo !
Dans l'attente de vous lire, je vous prie de trouver ici mes remerciements pour la qualité du produit et mes plus cordiales salutations !
Un new fan, inconditionnel.
Bernard Gengenbach
Un couteau de caractère qui respire la maîtrise de l'Art.
Grande qualité des matériaux. Touché, prise en main et ajustement parfaits.
Bien reçu et…. SUPERBE.
Merci et à une prochaine fois.
Lucien Guittard
Commande reçue ,
Objet d’un d’un raffinement et d’une estétique incoyables.Un vrai plaisir pour les yeux et a tenir dans la main.
Merci Maître et a la prochaine.
Oguz Carikli
Bonjour Gilles.
Je viens de réceptionner à l’instant mes couteaux Le Chamois.
Ils sont splendides. Je ne suis vraiment pas déçu.
Un d’eux sera mon compagnon de tous les jours.
Je vous remercie pour la qualité de votre travail et la rapidité avec laquelle vous m’avez fait parvenir ces pièces.
Quel plaisir de travailler avec un artisan professionnel tel que vous.
Remerciez aussi votre équipe.
De plus, permettez-moi de vous dire que votre site internet est particulièrement bien structuré.
Comme je vous l’avais annoncé, je vous recontacte très vite pour une nouvelle commande.
A très bientôt.
Eric Goessens.
bien reçu ce matin commande N° C1302181211000278
vraiment, merci pour la qualité de votre travail.... je suis très satisfait de ce très joli couteau..... qui ne quittera plus ma poche...!!!
Merci reçu mon nouveau couteau très beau passé de belle fêtes de fin année
Gilles Pilote
Le couteau vient d'arriver ajourdhui! je suis très content. Pour moi il y a pas de qualité meilleure que vos produits.
Urs Stöcklin
J’ai reçu le couteau ce matin, je l’ai regardé, il est magnifique et la pochette en cuir est toute souple. Je suis ravie merci beaucoup pour votre professionnalisme et à bientôt peut être pour de nouveaux cadeaux !
Sandrine Dumas
J'ai acheté il y a de cela deux semaines un laguiole "gentleman" chez le Laguiole du Marais, rue du Pas de la Mule à Paris, à deux pas de la place des Vosges. J'ai choisi le modèle en corne de bélier. Cet objet magnifique ne quitte plus ma poche que pour les repas : je ne coupe plus ma viande qu'avec lui.
Points positifs : qualité impeccable de la finition,
douceur de l'ouverture, finesse du guillochage et du forgeage de l'abeille (je possède cinq laguioles de trois marques différentes, rien à voir au point de vue qualité), tranchant étonnamment précis pour de l'acier 12c27, je n'ai plus de poils sur l'avant bras à force de l'essayer !
Points négatifs : le ressort est un petit peu dur à la fermeture et aussi le prix, mais comme on dit " le prix s'oublie la qualité demeure !". Seul inconvénient, j'ai envie de m'en acheter un de chaque modèle maintenant que je possède un couteau estampillé "Gilles"
Rémi Calandra
Bonjour Monsieur Steinberg ainsi qu'à toute l'équipe de fabrication,
Comme promis sur mon dernier mail, j'ai bien reçu mon couteau ce jour et je viens vous dire que je suis pleinement satisfait ! Le bois de genévrier est très beau , le guillochage également, donc tout me plait beaucoup dans ce petit couteau ! Je vous remercie de votre très belle fabrication et j'irai poster mon témoignage sur le site Fontenille-Pataud, ayant déjà commandé cinq couteaux chez vous et ce n'est pas terminé !
Bonne continuation à vous tous et à bientôt,
Bien cordialement,
Jean-Michel Boyer
Bonjour Gilles,
Mon frere vient de recevoir son couteau et il est enormement content. Il a dit qu'il cherche un couteau depuis longtemps, mais il n'a rien trouve du meme calibre. Il apprecie surtout le travail raffine du guillochage. En bref, il l'adore.
Je vous remercie mille fois!
j'ai bien reçu votre colis aujourdhui. Ce doit être le 10ème que je commande chez vous et ils sont toujours aussi beaux!!
Pierre Thill
Je viens de recevoir le colis. Le couteau est superbe.
Guillaume Gauvrit
Dear Gilles,
few days ago I received both ordered knifes. Wonderful pieces of craftsmanship. The finest haptics of knives ever had in my hands.
It is a pleasure to now own such masterpiece! Since the second knive will be a birthday gift to a friend of mine, I'm convinced he will become as well a fan of Le Capuchadou from Gilles.
Thank you very much,
Hans Poechmann- Austria
Buenos dias!
J ai recu le couteau, son seul defaut c est qu il est parfait!!!
Un abrazo!
Julian Navarro - Valencia , Espagne
Bonjour Monsieur Steinberg,
J'ai bien reçu mon couteau et cela m'a fait bien plaisir de le voir arriver aussi rapidement. Le déballage et un examen minutieux de "la bête" font apparaitre comme pour mon Thiers un travail parfait. Le guillochage du ressort est très réussi et intègre bien les initiales. La loupe d’érable à une couleur, un dessin et un polissage qui me conviennent parfaitement. Comme le veut le proverbe jamais deux sans trois, j’espère pouvoir vous commander prochainement un “Sperone”, un “U Cumpa” ou un “Saint Martin” et pourquoi pas un “Thiers” pour faire un cadeau à quelqu’un de cher et qui apprécie les beaux couteaux !!!
Vous souhaitant la meilleure des réussites, recevez mes plus cordiales salutations et transmettez les à toute votre équipe.
Alain Guillaud
Buongiorno Gilles, hier est arrivé le couteau Capuchadou, vraiment beau et est bien fait. Vous français êtes très bon à travailler les lamas de vos couteaux.
Sergio - Italie
Juste un petit mot pour vous confirmer la réception de mon couteau aujourd'hui.
Il est vraiment magnifique ! je touche de l'ivoire de mammouth, j'y crois pas, un rêve de gosse !
Je vous remercie mille fois et souhaite longue vie a votre entreprise !
Bonjour Monsieur STEINBERG,
Je tenais à témoigner et à remercier l'ensemble du personnel de Fontenille-Pataud pour leur travail de grande qualité, chacune des réalisations commandées correspondant parfaitement à mes attentes.
Je possède à ce jour une dizaine de pliants signés Gilles, et ces derniers me suivant chaque jour au gré de mes usages et de mes envies. Chaque modèle utilisé, aussi différent soit-il, se caractèrise par la noblesse des matériaux utilisés et des mécanismes robustes de grande qualité, ce qui est important lorsqu'on utilise son couteau quotidiennement.
A (très) bientôt pour une prochaine commande!
Bien cordialement,
Stéphane ROMMÉ
j'ai bien reçu le bel objet, il est superbe.Merci pour la qualité du travail!
Amitiés de La Réunion
Robert Trellu
Bonsoir Gilles
J'ai reçu (quelle rapidité) mon Spérone manche en noyer veiné, lame et mitres en damas rose. A peine arrivé, je me suis jeté sur cette merveille. Quelle beauté ! Guillochage magnifique, damas ultra-élégant, toucher et odeur du bois, bel équilibre en main. A un mois jour pour jour de mon anniversaire, c'est un magnifique cadeau. Il sera étreiné comme il se doit très prochainement et j'en ferai bientôt une pub sur mon blog.
Encore merci de cette oeuvre d'art.
Bruno Bosselin
Parfait! livraison reçu le lundi 19 décembre (malgré une erreur d'aiguillage du transporteur).
Encore merci à vous et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année.
Gilles ,
le capuchadou est superbe , une oeuvre d’art, digne du grand artiste que vous êtes , et le Pialincu plus beau que sur le net , merci , à une prochaîne commande . Jacques .L.
J'ai bien recu mon couteau U Cumpa avec le manche en noyer.Tout est parfait: emballage, transport et biensur le couteau par lui même!! Du bon travail d'artisan! BRAVO
Bonjour Gilles,
J'ai bien reçu ma commande ce jour, ce Laguiole Nature avec ses cotes en olivier est une pure merveille. Merci pour cette commande rapidement livrée. On sent le couteau fait avec amour...!!! Il est parfait.
Encore merci à vous et votre équipe pour ce bel ouvrage
@ bientot
Laurent Brèche
J'ai bien reçu ma commande en temps et en heure. Magnifique objet qui donnera beaucoup de plaisir à être utilisé pendant de longues années.
Cdlt, L. Bélec
Gilles bonjour du Canada,
vos oeuvres d art sont sous ma stupefaction.Quel travail et qualité,ils sont exquis et je ne cesse de sourire devant ces bijoux. Mon copain Walter pour qui vous avez gravé le couteau sera surement du meme avis. Un enorme merci à vous et à toute votre equipe. Je vous souhaite à tous de bonnes vacances. A votre retour j aimerais vous commander des couverts pour la table. Gilles, merci encore car je suis enormement satisfait du travail de votre equipe d artisans et vous souhaite un succes très merité.
Andre R Drouin. Montréal - Québec
J’ai bien reçu le couteau hier. Il est parfait. Merci encore pour cette commande rapidement livrée. Couteau impeccable, aucun jeu et qui coupe fort.
Bonne journée
Bonsoir Monsieur GILLES,
Ça y est...je l'ai reçu mon super couteau....Trop génial, trop top ...!!!! je suis ravi comme d'ab,il est exactement comme je le voulais ...On sent le couteau fait avec amour...!!! Merci encore Gilles de votre patience et de vos conseils.
Patrice Pottiez
Bonjour Monsieur,
Je viens de recevoir le couteau et je vous félicite pour le travail réalisé : il est superbe ! J'adore la teinte du bois ainsi que le motif de la ciselure. Le fonctionnement du couteau est tout simplement parfait.Un grand merci !
Bien cordialement
Bruno De Cuyper
Bonjour Monsieur STEINBERG,
j' ai bien reçu ma commande dans les délais et je dois vous dire que ce Laguiole artisanal deux pièces, manche en loupe de frêne, correspond à toutes mes attentes. La lame est parfaitement centrée, sa manipulation est fluide, le travail de guillochage est du plus bel effet et le bois du manche est très harmonieux. En outre les finitions sont extrêmement soignées.L' étui en cuir doublé qui l' accompagne est lui aussi parfaitement réalisé. Je vous remercie ainsi que vos artisans pour ce travail de qualité. Je ne peux que vous encourager à continuer, et confirmer la bonne réputation de votre atelier.
Bonjour Gilles,
j'ai bien reçu ma commande tous d'abord mon gentleman brillant manche bouleau il est d'enfer le guillochage de la lame est parfaite, le manche est magnifique avec un touché qui prouve la noblesse du bois et l'ouverture est toute aussi douce que la fermeture franchement je suis très fier de mon couteau et vous pouvez être fier de votre travail c'est simplement de l'art.Je ne vais pas développer mon second couteau qui est un nature en olivier mat avec lame guillochée car mes arguments sont identiques .Je tiens a vous féliciter vous et votre équipe car votre désignation de "coutellerie fine" est plus que justifiée. MERCI. MERCI. MERCI et à bientôt pour un prochain achat.
Bonjour Gilles,
J'ai bien reçu le Laguiole Sport Ebène (mat), commandé le week-end dernier. Au passge bravo pour la rapidité ! Il est tout simplement splendide. Tout aussi beau que son jumeau que je possède depuis 5 ans, avec le même bonheur qu'au premier jour. Après 5 années d'usage, il n'a pas bougé. Je lui applique l'affutage (diamant) régulier que vous m'aviez conseillé à l'époque. Il est comme neuf et semble indestructible. Je vais pouvoir offrir ce second couteau, véritable objet d'art, à un ami très cher. C'est je pense une belle manière de le remercier ... pour ce qu'il est. Je vais conclure en vous remerciant pour la qualité de votre travail. Du grand Art.
Bien cordialement.</>
Marc Keruzec
Juste un petit mot pour vous informer que mon Laguiole "Gentleman" en en loupe de buis est bien arrivé....à Nouméa. Et puisque cet objet a fait 20 000km, je ne peux m'empêcher de vous féliciter pour la qualité du travail effectué sur ce couteau que j'aurais donc très grand plaisir à porter et à admirer. Des matériaux nobles, une fabrication artisanale en font un objet unique, qu'aucune production industrielle ne peut reproduire.
Encore bravo et bonne continuation
Didier Grosgurin
Je viens de recevoir ma commande, il s’agit d’un Laguiole Sport guilloché en os véritable, c’est un très beau travail, toutes mes félicitations. Je vous avais déjà acheté il y à 2 mois son petit frère (Laguiole Gentleman en corne de buffle) qui était aussi remarquable. Encore un grand bravo et à bientôt pour un nouvel achat.
Bonjour Monsieur STEINBERG,
Je reviens vers vous pour vous soutenir dans vos démarches de qualité de fabrication de l'ensemble de votre gamme de couteaux. Je détiens à ce jour 37 couteaux dont 25 pliants. J'ai dans ma collection deux spérone; le premier, traditionnel, manche en corne de bélier acheté à Bonifacio il y a 4 ans aligne les mois d'utilisation sans perdre de sa fiabilité, les pièces témoignent d'un assemblage très soigné et son design retient régulièrement l'attention de mes collègues. Je détient deux autres pièces, des laguioles 12cm à blocages de lame, manches en corne de buffle et buis d'une qualité identique. Enfin, je me suis dernièrement fait plaisir en commandant du "sur-mesure" : un spérone guilloché à blocage de lame, manche en pointe de corne de buffle dont Mr STEINBERG m'a assuré suivre particulièrement la fabrication (lui faisant part de mes exigences). J'ai reçu le couteau dernièrement et je dois saluer le travail accompli : tout simplement magnifique.
Mes congés de juin m'entrainant à côté de Bonifacio, je sens que mes pas vont une fois de plus me guider vers les terrasses d'Aragon où j'espère de tout cœur faire une nouvelle acquisition, enrichir ainsi ma collection et encourager les artisans dignes de ce nom à pérenniser leur savoir-faire.
Bien à vous
Eric CORBET / gérant ATP2i
Bien reçu le laguiole "une main-guilloché" ; il est magnifique ! la gravure est très belle - le tout est un travail formidable - un grand bravo et compliments pour ce travail - merci encore et .... CONTINUEZ
j'ai bien reçu le couteau (laguiole 12cm "tout guilloché" en genévrier) dans un délai très bref (seulement trois jours). Il est parfait, tant au niveau de la finition que de l'aspect.La prise en main et le tranchant sont excellents. C'est un vrai bonheur d'utiliser ce couteau. Les étuis cuirs sont également d'une qualité remarquable.
Florian Cottebrune
J'ai bien reçu ma commande, un Laguiole à blocage de lame. La corne noire est magnifique, guillochage du plus bel effet, l'ouverture est souple et précise...et ça coupe fort! (RWL34). Bref encore du très beau travail.
Merci, Bruno
J'accuse bonne réception de mon laguiole nature "une main", Bouleau, lame RWL 34, avec gravure sur le ressort. Le couteau est vraiment superbe, le bois de Bouleau est magnifique et le fonctionnement du mécanisme est souple et assuré. La gravure demandée est vraiment réussie et très soignée. C'est vraiment du travail d'art ! Je ne sais quoi rajouter...Vous méritez amplement votre positionnement de coutellerie fine et haut de gamme.
Cordialement, A bientôt pour ma prochaine commande.
Bonjour à tous ,
Je viens de recevoir mon 12 cm , 1 lame , manche buffle brut et il est superbe . Je le regarde sous toutes les coutures et je le trouve parfait jusque dans les moindres détails . J' aime les rivets arrondis en leur extrémité , le ciselage du ressort et celui en "deux tons" de l'abeille . Je m' étais posé beaucoup de questions sur la corne de buffle brut et je viens d'avoir la réponse : c'est absolument magnifique !!! Merci pour cette belle réalisation.
ordialement ,
Bonjour cher coutelier,
J’ai reçu mon couteau Vendetta avec tire bouchon ce jour. C’est un modèle en genévrier de toute beauté. J’aimais les couteaux Corses mais l’absence de tire bouchon me retenais encore. Mon grand père m’ayant dit lorsqu’il m’a donné mon premier couteau (il y a bien longtemps) : « Il faut toujours avoir sur toi ta bite et ton couteau, car sur ta bite, il n’y a pas de tire bouchon ! » J’avais donc depuis, un Laguiole dans la poche en toute occasion. Le dernier en date, un modèle chasse, manche en olivier m’a servi pendant 10 ans. J’espère que le votre (le mien maintenant) m’apportera autant de joie qu’il est fin et élégant.
Louis Lardenois.
Il y a quelques jours, ce chef d'œuvre coutelier que j'attendais avec impatience arriva chez moi. A l'ouverture du colis, je perçus une odeur de cuir tanné qui me mît aussitôt le sourire aux lèvres. Finalement, le voila que je le tenais en mains, cet étui jaunâtre, brun clair renfermant la merveille tant attendue. En ouvrant gentiment la robe de mon objet de désir, mes regards tombèrent immédiatement sur une abeille d’une magnificence absolument incomparable. Les yeux écarquillés, je sortis mon nouveau Laguiole Sport de son fourreau et je l’ouvris. Un « clac » massif, solide et inspirant confiance se fît entendre et j’admirais la fine lame en damas torsadé d’une élégance totalement époustouflante. La manche en Amboine stabilisée, les mitres mates et le joli ressort guilloché concluent la beauté sublime de ce couteau d’exception qui me laissait bouche bée. Gilles, je tiens à vous remercier et je m’incline devant ce travail phénoménal.
Monsieur Gilles,
J ai recu ma commande de deux couteaux.Il est des plaisirs durable qui vous embellissent la vie .Mon XS en amboine stabilise platines et dessus de lame guilloches,est une telle merveille,que le manipuler est un instant de sensualite liè au bonheur de comtempler une oeuvre d art(et je suis artiste peintre),merci a vous, merci a l artiste artisan de nous faire profiter d un tel savoir faire...Mon deuxieme couteau est le pocket a blocage de lame toujours:plaisir identique;sa purete est un regal... merci.A tres bientot pour une autre oeuvre avec abeille incruste de nacre....
Claude Mignerey(91 Lisses).
Bonjour Monsieur Steinberg,
J'ai bien reçu mon "U Cumpa" manche en genévrier. Il est parfait, bonne prise en main, excellent mécanisme (comme toujours!), très agréable à garder en poche, parfait pour un usage quotidien... un compagnon qui porte bien son nom et qui ne me quitte plus! Merci pour ce beau travail
Bien à vous
Philippe Collin
La livraison du couteau L71OSTG est intervenue le 5/02/011, donc sous 8 jours. J'ai regardé les témoignages et j'ai été surpris par ce flot d'éloges : il fallait donc que je cherche le défaut de la cuirasse ! Eh bien, même en regardant très attentivement, je n'ai rien trouvé qui soit critiquable. J'ai donc un couteau simple, rendu joli par un guillochage discret, sûr par son verrouillage et très certainement efficace en raison des caractéristiques du RWL 34 de sa lame. La seule chose est que je n'ose pas le gader dans ma poche tant j'ai eur de le perdre … En somme, un réel témoignage de la vivacité de l'artisanat coutelier de France !
J-P. Adret
Ma commande est arrivée ce jour (laguiole "tout guilloché" manche olivier). Le couteau est tout simplement MAGNIFIQUE, je referais très certainement appel à vos services.
Merci beaucoup,
Florian Cottebrune
Parisien d’origine aveyronnaise et amateur de couteaux, j’avais déjà un laguiole…bien sur… mais j’avais, depuis longtemps, envie d’un très beau laguiole. J’ai «craqué» (c’est le mot) pour votre modèle «Nature, mammouth fossile bleu, damas inox torsadé». Félicitations pour la qualité de réalisation (douceur d’ouverture remarquable, ajustements), la beauté du damas(dessin et révélation)et de la corne (superbe). Je l’ai acquis à La coutellerie du Marais Paris 4eme, dont je dois louer la gentillesse et le professionnalisme de la personne qui n’a guidé dans mon choix. Il me reste à franchir le pas de me servir tous les jours de ce très beau couteau. Encore bravo pour votre réalisation.
Bonjour Gilles,
C'est mon premier "Yssingeaux" mais également mon premier "Fontenille Pataud", ... et je ne suis pas déçu. Très beau travail de guillochage à la main du ressort, un manche en corne de bélier poli magnifique, avec des reflets irrisés du plus bel effet. Présente une belle préhension lors de l'utilisation. Une finesse et un "dépoli" de lame très esthétique. Cerise sur le gâteau, la mouche nacrée. J'attends avec impatience les lumières du printemps pour profiter encore plus de l'esthétique de cette oeuvre d'art. Je l'étrennerai très prochainement pour mon anniversaire. Sans doute à très bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures.
Bonsoir Gilles,
Nous avons bien reçu notre commande comme promis pour mi décembre,cette fin d'année j'ai remplacé les traditionnels présents à notre clientèle (panniers gourmands, alcools, etc..) par des couteaux modèle "Le Thiers".L'accueil a été unanime, ils ont tous appréciés l'originalité du modèle. Le modèle damas mammouth fossile que j'ai choisi pour moi est simplement superbe. Bravo pour la qualité des produits.
A Bientôt
Michel F. / Chaudronnerie Industrielle
Merci pour votre réactivité, j’ai bien reçu mon couteau ce jour, il correspond bien à ce que j’attendais. Il me plaît beaucoup, c’est mon deuxième couteau de votre maison.
Meilleures salutations,
Alain Court
J'ai bien reçu le couteau sport! C'est une magnifique pièce! Une autre commande suivra surement... Un tout grand merci pour votre travail et votre professionnalisme.
De Coen Quentin
Bonsoir, j'ai bien reçu ma commande et suis, une fois de plus, très satisfait de votre travail qui est soigné et de qualité.
En vous remerciant, Nicolas.
To send us your testimonial, please go to the contact page.
Yes, I have received it. It's beautiful. Viva la France!
Blair S. (USA)
Just to say how absolutely delighted I am with my new Laguiole traditional knife. It is not my first as I have used one, from another manufacturer, every day for over ten years and been very happy with it. However, wear and tear has taken its toll on the moving parts and with no lifetime guarantee I've had to retire it. The difference in build quality with my new knife from Fontenille-Pataud is exceptional. This was a 70th birthday present from my wife which I will treasure. Merci beaucoup à vous tous et félicitations pour la production d'une telle œuvre d'art!
Malcolm McLeod (France)
Hello everyone,
I just received my order and wanted to thank everyone. Both knives are absolutely beautiful and have a stunning quality of detail I have never seen before. Merci beaucoup pour tout! Vous êtes les meilleurs.
Peters Noel (Canada)
Kedves Beáta!
Köszönöm a válaszát! Tegnap már megkaptam, nagy boldogságomra. Elnézést a türelmetlenségemért. A kés fenomenális ismét.
Egy elégedett vásárló
Szép napot!
Lisztes Róbert (Hungary)
I received my knife yesterday. It’s beautiful!
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Gijs Damen (Netherlands)
Hi Gilles,
Thank you so very much for the perfectly made Laguiole knife I received today.
It truly is a perfection. From the choice of the beautiful wood grain, to the perfect guillochage, all the way to the perfectly centered blade and the buttery smooth opening, locking and closing mechanism.
It is a work of art!
I have recently ordered the Le Thiers knife and can not wait to receive it. I can see a few Damascus bladed knives being ordered in the near future!
Thank you and your team of talented artisans!
Best Regards,
Suphi Turker
Falmouth, Maine, (USA)
Dear Gilles, thank you for this wonderful work of art. I received the capuchadou knife and I can't help admiring its beauty. Thank you very much from Chile!!
Jaime. (Chile)
Yann Hi.
Just to let you know that I have received the knife. It is an object of beauty and craftsmanship
Thank you
Andy Jones (Jersey)
Dear everyone,
thank you very much for your email.
I can tell you that I have received the ordered knife in good order today.
The knife exceeds all expectations: it is simply beautiful! Thank you again for your craftsmanship that has led to this wonderful gift.
With kind regards,
Jeannette Schoep (Netherlands)
On a lighter note, the knife is another beautifully crafted piece of art and I'm delighted with it. It's exactly what I wanted and ordered. I have teamed it with my Ivory Gentleman as my "Piano Pair".
Thanks again for accepting my custom order. Happy holidays to all at Fontenille-Pataud.
Timothy Smith (USA)
Magnum Corkscrew arrived today
Will break it in tomorrow for my 60th birthday
It looks stunning and imagine it fill function beautifully
Nick Hyde (USA)
Outstanding! I couldn't be happier with this knife. It is of superb quality. Also, the service was outstanding all along the process. It is clearly apparent that this company takes pride in its products and itself.
Steve (USA)
Bon Jour Yann,
The knives arrived today ahead of the predicted delivery date. Thank you again very much for expediting the order.
The knives are stunningly beautiful! My hat is off to you and Fontenille Pataud for your excellent craftsmanship and design!
Best regards from a delighted customer,
David (USA)
Good afternoon,
I just received my Buffalo horn folding Damascus it is exactly what I was hoping for Merry Christmas to you and your team at Laguiole looking forward to doing business again
Rich Bartley (USA)
Dear Gilles and Yann. Thank you very much for the fantastic knife i just recieved last week. It is all i hoped it would be, and then some. My request for dark walnut scales was done with perfection. And my initials engraved look 100%. Not my last knife from you guys. Next will be the XS i think. Have a good christmas and a happy new year. Best regards from Denmark.
Michael (Denmark)
Dear Gilles and Yann and Team,
today I have received my new knife. Thiers nature stag rwl34.
I must say, it's a wonderful knife again like all the others, I ordered before. Fine and very easy in use. Very good to use on the way or in a restaurant.
Thank You very much for all the wonderful tools you've made for me and the always super support and communication.
Greetings and always good fortune.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jörg Wieczorek (Germany)
Hello Société Fontenille-Pataud,
merci beaucoup for the wonderful laguiole Le Pocket, it is worked beautifully and I'm happy.
Special Greetings and thanks to the Master Knife Maker
have a good time
kind regards
Thomas Ebner (Germany)
Acknowledge safe delivery of the knife. Many thanks. Very Impressed.
Best Regards Tessa Putin. (UK)
Received knife Thanks a lot very happy with it
Steve Donaghey (Australia)
Good evening from Germany and many thanks for the magnificent knife which arrived today. My husband is absolutely contend and enthusiastic about it.
Again thank you for the nice correspondence and the good cooperation.
Jule and Ingo (Germany)
Yea! I received my knife today. It is stunning. Excellent fit and finish. The filework is beautiful, and the bee is like a jewel. The care that went into its fabrication is well evident. The sheath was a nice touch. Thank you very much.
Geoffrey Goldberg (USA)
Hi Fontenille Pataud Team,
many thanks, thats what I got today.
Ansgar Hummel (Germany)
yesterday I reveived my Laguiole Gentleman! It's really beautiful, a great knife, thank you very much!
Christian (Austria)
I received the knife Friday. I expected it to be beautiful and it is. In fact it exceeds my expectations. I hope to carry it for many years. Thanks for an heirloom. John (USA)
Received my latest purchase from you Monday PM. Wish to thank all of you at Fontenille Pataud for yet another fantastic piece of functional art.
The Le Thiers Gentleman (Damascus/Ivory) is a truly beautiful, and superbly made knife. I plan to enjoy carrying it although I doubt if it will cut anything. It is just to beautiful to do anything but show it off. You can bet that I'll be doing plenty of that. Thank you again.
Timothy Smith (USA)
Dear Gilles. The Laguiole XS Guilloché in Ironwood just arrived, and I am completely blown away. The filework on the spine is absolutely beautiful and very evenly matched on both sides. The ironwood scales show a great progression from a tight grain to a looser one, and whoever picked the two scales matched them perfectly. I look forward to having this knife as a pocket companion for years to come.
Jingu Chong (USA)
Dear Gilles, My Capuchadu-Guilloche 10cm Stag knife arrived yesterday. I must say that it has exceeded all expectations. As a retired Gunmaker I am able to appreciate the skills and craftsmanship used to manufacture this knife. The hand fitting and filework are excellent and the Stag used top quality. I love the design and the way it fits in my hand. It is a thing of beauty as well as being practical l intend to carry and use it everyday. One of the few handmade knives that meets UK knife laws. I am so happy with the knife I intend to order another.
Thanks Paul (UK)
Dear Gilles,
I received the knife and it is another beauty. Thanks.
Warm Regards,
Steve (USA)
I received these today, thank you for getting them out so speedily. They are beautiful
Amanda Forsyth (UK)
Good afternoon Gilles and Yann.
The parcel has arrived and the dinnerware is exquisite. Our thanks to all of the craftsmen who created such beautiful pieces.
We hope you all have a fun vacation next month and hope to see you when we are next in France.
Best Regards,
Stephanie and Randy
Received the knife this AM. It's a gorgeous piece of knife art and it's exactly what I wanted. Thank you again for accepting my special request. Thanks to you (Gilles) and your entire crew for their superb craftsmanship and very prompt delivery. I hope you all will have a fine and enjoyable summer holiday and you will likely see another order from me in September. Thank you again.
Timothy Smith (USA)
Hi Gilles,
the Sommelier knife has just arrived. What a beautiful thing. You must be very proud of it. I am very proud to own it and doesn’t even matter if it doesn’t get used (it will). I might do a drawing of it, sitting by a bottle of Bordeaux and a bunch of black grapes; maybe some cheese.
Thank you very much.
Bonne chance et bonnes vacance!
Jerry (UK)
Dear Gilles,
The knife arrived today. It's beautiful. I can't wait to give it to my boyfriend for his birthday. Thank you!!!!!!
Jennifer (USA)
I got well the sent product.
Thanks for making well.
Choi jungwook (South Korea)
I have received my Corsican Rondinara knife. It is beautiful, the look, the wood and the finish. The knife oozes french regional tradition and culture. A joy to look at and to hold. Thank you,
Miles (Hong Kong)
I received my knife, a Laguiole Nature with the juniper handle, last week. I am very impressed with its quality and the craftsmanship that went into making it.
The nice surprise was that the knife had a lovely smell. Juniper wood is delightfully fragrant. Not that I spend all my time smelling knives, it was just something that was immediately obvious when I opened the package. The black leather sheaf is also high quality.
Perhaps the best part of the knife is that I am certain that it will age gracefully with wear through regular use. Mine won't be a collectors knife, but one that will see regular use over many years to come.
Anthony (Australia)
I already received the knife, what a surprise
Many thanks for the super service
Regards from Barcelona
Carles (Spain)
The knife arrived and it is beautiful. Thank you.
Robert (Sweden)
Dear Yann,
The knife has arrived and it is amazing! Great piece of craftsmanship, my friend will be delighted.
Thanks again,
Richard (Hong-Kong)
Dear Gilles and folks at Fontenille Pataud, The Laguiole Magnum with the special scales arrived this morning as I was talking with a neighbor on the front step. The craftsmanship is simply exquisite. The file work on the spring and the work on the bee are remarkable examples of steel art. I could not be happier. The neighbor will likely become a Fontenille Pataud customer. Best Regards
Robert Bachenberg (USA)
I received the knife. I am very pleased with it's beauty, quality and serviceability. I also appreciate your quick and efficient service. I will be sure to order a knife for my son.
Best Regards,
Steve Sherwood. (USA)
Hello, my new knife got here and I love it, THANK YOU.
Rowdy (USA)
Dear Gilles,
i received my knife a couple of days ago and just wanted to say thank you for even including a small letter in which you told me that you've chosen the darkest ram horn possible. to me receiving this letter along with my knife even makes it more personal.
so thank you again and have a great weekend.
kind regards from munich!
Marcus Rellier (Germany)
I received my knife today and it is amazing!!!
I love that you upgraded the steel on these as well.
I received my Laguiole Gentleman's Classic Knife and am blown away with the quality and craftsmanship of this knife. It exceeded my high expectations, and i am a very proud owner of such a work of art and practicality. As a shipmaster, I appreciate when something is made right. This knife is the perfect harmony of form and function. Thank you for crafting it for me.
Matthew Wilkens (USA)
Bonjour Gilles,
The Le Thiers-Nature arrived safely. Another exquisite example of the knife makers art. It takes it's place along side my Laguiole Gentleman and the memory of my Laguiole XS which was unfortunately stolen.
We plan to visit France again and I hope to put Thiers in the itinerary.
Best Regards,
Don Ruthven Houston texas (USA)
Hello - just received my knife, my second one from you. The knife is perfect - the fit and finish, the snap of the blade, the edge, the file work on the spring. I will proudly carry and use it!!! Thanks again for creating and crafting - real old world first class craftsmanship!!
Matt from Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
Dear Mr. Steinberg,
I received my package in good order
What a beautiful piece of art!!
Thank you very much for your excellent service.
Kind regards,
Ruud (Nederlands)
I received my knife. The capuchadou is the pride of my collection. The workmanship is outstanding. Bravo to the artisans at Fontenille Pataud. Service and shipping are both excellent as well. Merci et a bientot
Pericles Tsatas (Canada)
dear gilles,
both knives arrived today and i am very happy.
kind regards from munich!
Marcus (Germany)
I received my knife - WOW is the first word that I can say. The craftsmanship that was done on this knife is incredible and so much appreciated. I am going to enjoy this blade for a long time - and then my son.
It is amazing, the lines, the sharpness, the quality of the juniper wood, the feel in the hand, the cross - the bottom-line is I can feel the spirit of the knife and work of the person that crafted this knife.
Truly appreciate owing a Laguiole knife from you.
Matt (USA)
Bonjour Gilles
This is to let you know that my Capuchadou arrived yesterday morning and I am delighted with it!
It is beautifully made and a pleasure to use
Thank you for your help with the order.
Best wishes
Julian (England)
Dear Mr, Gilles Sternberg and Company,
Thank you for making these fine and useful knives, and for offering them to international customers. This order arrived safe and sound in excellent condition! My wife and I put the knives to good use this past weekend on some beef steak, and we are very, very pleased with our purchase!
We will continue to consider your knives for our needs in future.
With appreciation,
Scott & Linda (USA)
Bonjour Yann and everyone at Fontenille Pataud! I would like to comment on the knife I ordered. I absolutely love the stag scales and the file work is exceptional, another work of art. The file work reminds me of vines and leaves, which I adore. I will always treasure this knife. Please thank the artisan who made this knife for me. Blessings to all of you this year, may 2017 be the best year ever.
Debbie Parker (USA)
I've recieved the knife today and i'm really happy with it, it's beautiful! I will make another purchase sooner rather than later.
Kind regards
Kristian (Sweden)
The knife arrived and it is beautiful. We thank you and your team for the excellent work and quick shipment.
David (USA)
Dear Gilles,
Beginning of this week I received my second Fontenille-Pataud knife. The knike is beautiful. Quality of workmanship is outstanding. It is great by the unique and innovative approach you have dedicated to the Le Thiers liner – lock.
Köszönöm szépen!
Üdvözlettel (Slovakia)
Really looking forward to this beautiful knife,its my first from You :-) It will be my companion when flyfishing by the rivers up in the Norwegian mountains.Plan to use it for making my meals:-) Best Regards,
Sveinung (Norway)
Hi Giles,
My knife arrived just before Christmas (23-12). I expected it to arrive in the new year because of my late order (13-12), the undoubtedly extra orders this time of year and the extra engraving with my initials. Great was my surprise that it arrived before Christmas. It is a real fine piece of craftsmanship ! I really love the walnut-handles and detailed file work. For everyone who is dubbing if personalization of your knife with name or initials is a good idea ........ Yes, it surely is !! It makes the knife more beautiful, extra-ordinary and special. For all the craftmen at Fontenille Pataud: thanks you very much for your great job and hard work !! I hope you have a very good and healthy 2017 !!
Paul Delft, (Netherlands)
My son's knife was just delivered!!!!! ( I thought it wasn't going to be delivered until the 29th!)
It is just beautiful. Thank you for all of your assistance!
I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and peace, health and joy fill your New Year!
Warmest Regards,
Elaine (USA)
Dear Gilles:
I just wanted to let you know that my knife arrived yesterday. Actually, this was something of a surprise, because the first e-mail I received from FedEx on Wednesday afternoon, said that I should expect to receive the package on December 28th (which would have been a problem, as I will be out of town then). So I was very pleasantly surprised when my doorbell rang shortly after noon yesterday (less than 24 hours after receiving your shipping notification) and it was my Fontenille-Pataud!
The knife is quite simply exquisite. The maple burl is really beautiful and the chisel and file work is fantastic. I love the kind of modern, minimalist take on the traditional bee. The blade is very well centered. The fit and finish is superb. I am very, very pleased with it.
As I mentioned previously, I really like the animal derived handles; my next purchase will be one of those. If you see a nice, clean piece of ivory or mammoth ivory, let me know!
Thanks again for the truly gorgeous knife! I hope you and your family and staff have a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!
Best regards,
Aaron (Netherlands)
Hi Gilles, My wonderful Laguiole arrived savely yesterday. What an outstanding piece of craftmanship. Assembly, materials, finish- absolutly perfect. Many thanks , best regards,
Oliver (Germany)
Hi Giles , I received my knife today and wanted to say thank you very much , I'm very pleased with it you have done great job it's a lovely piece , viva la France !! ;-)
Μιχάλης (United Kingdom)
Bonjour Yann,
Yesterday I have more time for play with my new toys which I got of your company. So I can write this:
Belt leather sheath for 10,5 cm knife will be very useful thing in my collection.
Deluxe sting-ray leather pouch would be useful if its size was 12 cm, and it some pay for deluxe crocodile leather pouch.
Le Thiers-bamboo knife with ebony handle has very gorgeous technical solvation of open/close system. And his circle on circle decoration used in factory work out wrist watch is marvelous too.
Corsican Pialincu 10,5 cm knife with maple burl handle has very true camouflage of forest in summer. Another knifes in my collection with some camouflage are only little pupil behind master professor.
Lagiolle XS handmade 9 cm Guilloche knife with mother of pearl handle is such gorgeous BEAUTY that I would be very sad man if SHE was not be in my possession.
Peter Kováč from Prague, Czech republic
I received my champagne saber today. It is beautiful, perfect in every way. Fortunately, I had a bottle of cava chilling in the refrigerator so I could saber off the top within 5 minutes of receiving the knife. The action is much more satisfying than the back of the kitchen knife I have used in the past. The cork flew 30 meters. I am sure their is no difference between a cava and champagne, but the cava seems to fly further. I have never sabered s truely great champagne, but now that I have this beautiful saber I feel obliged to. I am always looking for a reason to throw a party, and this is a good a reason as any. Thank you for your fine work and excellent customer service. I look forward to buying more knives (if somewhat smaller) in the future.
Michael (USA)
I received my 11 cm traditional Laguiole knife the other day and am thrilled with it. The selection of olive wood used for the scales is just beautiful and the Guilloché work is absolutely stunning to say the least. What a gorgeous knife this is ... gratitude and blessings to the artisan who made this knife for me. I love it! Sincerely,
Debbie Parker CA (USA)
The Laguiole Nature Classic arrived today. Thank you for the perfect service! The knife will be a Christmas gift for my husband and could therefore not yet been tested by him. i suppose he will be very happy with this knife. Best regards,
Monika (Germany)
Thank u. Very nice. Oh yeah quick . Another very very nice. I am thrilled. Do I have room to add another very very nice? I do well , I 'll not just get carried away. Just one more great knife from y'all .Thanks
David Clever (USA)
Thank you Everything arrived already and is beautiful.
Mary Ann Tornillo (USA)
Dear people at Fontenille-Pataud (I am sorry, I do not speak French and my English is terrible)! I recently received one of your knifes via Brandners-Homestyle. It is the Fontenille-Pataud Rondinara Damastgriff Damastklinge (yes, that´s mostly German). The reason why I write you is, because I want to thank you personally for this beautiful piece of art. Your knife is the first of your forge in my collection, but it will definitely not be the last! You did a great job and your knife is the envy of any of my friends whom I showed it.
Thank you and thank you again!
Yours, Christian Powelz, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
received my knife last week and I'm very happy, the workmanship is excellent as expected and the color of the mammoth tooth is perfect. Thanks once again.
Frank Burke (USA)
Bonjour Yann,
I wanted to let you know that my order arrived safely today.
I’m very pleased to receive it, it’s a beautiful knife.
Merci beaucoup.
Best Regards,
Kevin (Macao)
I though this is a small Laguiole (Le pocket) it stands out more than the standard laguiole. I have already 19 other knives from you (most of them damast), this one is exceptional.
Let me describe the knife. The thirst thing I thought was about the damast blade: wow what crispy black and white, has there been a different kind of etching been used? The answer is no. Because the knife is smaller the damast steel stands out more beautiful: it is the eye catcher!. In detail there are more niceties. It is a knife with delicate filings. I really love that in a knife. The top is nice and playful, but the inside of the spring I like even more: it has colloring from light yellow, to yellow to liliac (don't see that as an error but as an asset, I do) with a nice engraving. Most people who see this are astonished: making something you normally don't see beatiful.
Hm, I see some projects coming...
I'm very pleased.
I am pleased: it is a small beauty.
Hans de Vreught (Netherlands)
Dear Gilles,
package arrived in good order and condition, all three pieces are wonderful.
Best regards to you and your team and till next time,
Hans-Georg (Germany)
I received my Capuchadou with Guilloche work and rose Damascus blade. Very beautiful, I love it! This is the second Capuchadou I have purchased but have many, many Fonteniille- Pataud knives and all are works of art. Thank you to the artisan of this knife.
Sincerely, Debbie Parker of California USA
Bonjour équipe de Fontenille Pataud, today my knife arrived...it is BEAUTIFUL, merci beaucoup!!! I know now that I choosed the right coutellerie. I´m proud to have such nice pice of handcraftship...and by the way, I´m a toolmaker and know, what good handmade work with steel is:-) my friends will be jealous:-))) Veuillez recevoir mes plus cordiales salutations
Guenther Brunke (Bockenem / Allemagne)
The knife arrived yesterday.
It is wonderfull. Thank you.
Robert (Netherlands)
Hello, Thanks for the Corsican knife with the Dark Rams Horn. It's really beautiful.
Thank you,
Tim Patchett
I retrieved my two knives from the mailbox today and opened them immediately of course. What beautiful, high quality, well made knives they are! One is the Laguiole XS with amorette scales and the other is the Laguiole 9cm with blonde horn scales. Both of these knives are works of art that anyone would take pride in owning. Congratulations on your fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. Give all your workers a sincere 'well done' from me. Roger Cunningham, Liberty, Tennessee (USA)
Hi Gilles and team, just wanted to let you know my Laguiole Gentleman arrived today and I'm very happy with the beautiful craftsmanship. The RWL34 steel was well worth the extra cost and the juniper handle feels (and smells) fantastic. Thanks again, Nick (Australia).
Yann and Gilles,
The knives and forks arrived, and they are really quite something. I'm really impressed with the workmanship!
Gene (UK)
I received my Capuchadou knife last with with a Damascus blade and horn tip handles. It is very beautiful. I really love the file work on it as well, very exceptional Guilloché work on it. Wow! Thank you for another beautiful knife.
Debbie from California, USA
Dear Mr. Gilles Steinberg,
today I got very beautiful knife sharply according on my order. I can thanked You and Your all company for really ARTWORK.
Best regards
Peter Kováč from Prague, Republique Tchéque
I have just received my Laguiole Fontenille-Pataud by Gilles knife , it is simply a Beautiful outstanding piece of workmanship ! Thank you .
My knife was delivered OK a few minutes ago. Beautiful! Thank you and your team.
Take care,
Dear people of Fontenille-Pataud,
Yesterday my Le Thiers Gentleman classic walnut arrived in Holland. I ordered a personalised version with my name engraved and that is done in an excellent way.
So if you are reading this and want to buy a knife and are in doubt to personalize your knife or not, don’t hesitate… just go for it. It will make your knife extra special.
The knife feels robust and just big enough. A wonderful balance between a modern appearance and old fashioned craftsmen’s ship .
As a starting knife enthusiast this will be my EDC for sure.
So thank your obvious craftsmanship. I will be back for more!
Kind regards,
Arjen Tervoort (Holland)
Dear Giles and the team at Fontenille-Pataud, Thank you for the beautiful Chamois. The dark ram's horn handles are beautiful. This is my second Chamois to go along with my other two Capuchadou. Your knives are exquisite and beautifully made. I don't know what to get next but I look forward to more of your knives.
All the best,
Tim Patchett
Gilles & Team,
Just a quick email to let you know my knife was delivered OK and to tell you how happy I am with it. Beautiful!
Thanks again,
I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to you all at Fontenille-Pataud for making this wonderful collection of pocket-knives available. I have just received my second knife from you- a Corsican 'Sperone' with Briar-wood handle, and it is, as anticipated, a beautiful-looking, perfectly-made object of superb craftsmanship which I am very happy to own. It is this variety of styles and materials coupled with such outstanding quality, that makes 'semi-collectors' such as myself, come back to you.
With warm regards,
Andrew (UK)
Hi Gilles and Yann
I received my knife yesterday . excellent work,unblemished. I love it
Thank you.
Mahmut (Turkey)
The knife came in time and it is amazing!!!
He was very happy about the knife!
Thank you very much! You did a good job!
With best regards from Germany,
Mona Rednak (Germany)
Dear Gilles and everyone at Fontenille-Pataud,
Thank you so much for your excellent craftsmanship and care with making & processing my orders. I am probably an unlikely customer- an older woman with small hands, I now have 3 beautiful knives from you: the traditional St. Martin, the petite XS Laguiole, and the Corsican Pialincu. I enjoy leaning about the heritage of french knives, and absolutely love each Pataud in my new collection. Thank you for making such wonderful knives. kind regards,
Laurel (USA)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I got today delivered the product I Corsican Sperone.
The knife was an excellent workmanship and looks beautiful.
I'm excited and wish them continued success in their work.
Best regards
Martin Pongratz (Germany)
Dear Ladies and gentleman, I've just received my Capuchadou and it's really fantastic. Do you sell any sturdy leather belt pouch for it? Great regards.
A. Berger (Germany)
Dear Mr Steinberg,
I received my knife yesterday and it is more beautiful than I imagined. Thank you.
Tony (USA)
Good evening,
I just received my Capuchadou this afternoon, and your team did a great job. Truly a work of art!
The communication and quick turn around, made the transaction a pleasure.
David Carrion (USA)
Delivered safely last Monday!
Very happy with the product.
Thanks to the artisan that made it.
All the best,
Jorge Savio (Belgium)
Wow!! Had a nice surprise today: FedEx delivered a package from Thiers with not one but two Fontenille-Pataud Laguioles. They're beautiful!. I like the cow horn scales. One knife will go itno my collection; the other is in the knife block in the kitchen and will be used to prepare supper tonight. I'm thinking about another, smaller laguiole as a pocket knife, but I hav to find some way of also carrying the tools on my swiss army knife: screwdrivers, can openers, etc.
Colin Doane (USA)
Mes Capuchadou Fantastisch!Mooi afgewerkt! Tot nog eens.
Mady Van Ransbeeck uit Belgie (Belgium)
Bonjour Gilles et l’équipe,
J’ai bien reçu mon couteau, et je suis très heureux avec il. Merci beaucoup.
I have written for your testimonial in English, and tried in French too.
I have received my new knife, the Thiers gentleman, stag. It's a lovely knife. the materials and craftmanship are of the highest quality, as I have come to expect from you. It is very sharp, and a pleasure to use. Thank you to you and your team.
J’ai bien reçu mon couteau, le Thiers gentleman stag. C’est vraiment super bon, la haute qualité, comme d’habitude. C’est une plaisir de la utiliser. Je l’aime bien. Merci à vous et votre équipe.
Ian Yates.
I recently made a new order for a knife with your company. When you will start working on the knife I have a small request. Is it possible to make the decoration on the spring of the blade around my name in the same way as you did on the knife on the photo, which is in the attachment of this mail? I really liked it a lot! I work as an arborist and this decoration for me ressembles the structure of the leafs of a tree.
This isn't my first knife that I buy from your company, nor will it be the last. I was a little unfortunate by losing previous knives for a variation of reasons. But because of the supreme quality of these knives - I mean I have not yet found another knife that pleases me as much as the Laguiole Sport from Fontenille-Pataud - I can not buy another kind of knife.
This knife really is the Supreme Elite Top of the cutlery industry for me.
With kind regards,
Max (Belgium)
Dear Gilles
Another masterpiece from you! Got it yesterday, and here you see how it turns out. My U Cumpa has to rest some other place :)
Trond Watne (Norway)
Thank you, received and love my beautiful Saint Martin knife. The workmanship is amazing and I can't wait until I get another knife from you. Thank you also for switching out my handle preference. best,
Laurel (U.S.A.)
I received my shipment. Excellent work, once again. Thank you.
Gaines (USA)
Hi Gilles,
I thank you for your time and effort
The knife arrived yesterday, thank you for including the leather pouch.
Brett (Australia)
Thank you!
The knife has arrived to my home in Indonesia.
I really appreciate the craftmanship put into the details of this knife.
This is my first buy and I feel satisfied by the quality of this knife.
Best regards.
Rendy Pratama Putra (Indonesia)
Bonjour Gilles
I received the knife yesterday. My husband adores it. :)
Thank you very much!
Wish you all the best
Valya (Bulgaria)
Dear Gilles,
I received my new Knife today… it’s a lovely thing… Thank You. For the past 20 years I have used Modern Production Knives… Benchmade, Smith & Wesson and Heckler & Koch. Although they are reliable and durable they have no intrinsic value.
I am sure this knife, hand crafted in fine a tradition will soon become a cherished possession and the thought of slicing and spreading camembert on my fresh baguette whilst I picnic on the beach im Marseillan is something to look forward to.
With Kind regards
Bryan. (England)
Salut and good morning Gilles
Always a nice surprise receiving a Fontenille Pataud parcel :-)) Again......what a beautifully made knife.
Loving the full handles and the clean and simple design.
And thank you again for the fantastic sheath
Marc (Australia)
Dear Gilles & Yann,
My Laguiole 12cm willow burl has just arrived!
I love it! I am completely smitten with the balance of beauty & precision work, the fantastic femine chic lines of the whole knife and the ruggedness of it's traditional craftsmanship 7 functionality.
It is a knife to be used and it clearly oozes that vibe.
The absolute beauty of unparalleled craftsmanship that stayed true to it's original design end ideas.
Thank you!
Luca Giordano (Netherlands)
Ordering a knife at Fontenille-Pataud is a great pleasure, service and products are both of high quality. Receiving the knife so soon was great, presenting it to my daughter's 16th birthday was a wonderful moment for all of us.
Thank you all!!
Andrea - The Netherlands
Thank your for your prompt and helpful service. My husband is delighted with the quality and craftsmanship of his knife, and for someone who lives in Sheffield with all its history in the knife making industry he knows something about these things.
Hello...just wanted to let you know that I received the knife for my sons Christmas present today
I am very impressed with your workmanship...adding his initials makes that final special touch..
Am sure Palmer will be equally impressed when he receives it Christmas morning , and will let you know
Merry Christmas to all...
Pat Jarvis (Canada)
Dear Gilles,
I have received the knife in good order.
So here is my review:
The ivory is white (slightly creamy) ivory with beautiful pictures of elephants (good work Nat). I have a lot of Damascus steel nives but this is one of the better ones (both sides and bolster are beautiful). The liners are nicely filed and the spring is also lovely (on the inside and the outside): it is engraved and filed by hand in a delicate matter. The inside of the spring is evenly yellow (which pops up the engraving). The bee on the spring is handly files and engraved. To sum it all up: a top piece in my collection.
Best regards,
Hans de Vreught (Netherlands)
Dear Gilles
Thank you very much for my exquisite Laguiole Nature Guilloché knife. I can only repeat and confirm all the other testimonials. Exceptional craftsmanship absolutely beautiful what you and your team create. I already knew and heard it from my brother but I was still surprised from the quality and beauty of the knife. I'm delighted I ordered 'Gilles Fontenille-Pataud' and I can only recommend your work and admire your trade.
Thank you & un très grand merci
Thomas (Wädenswil Suisse, Lutter F)
I want to thank you for being so patient and cooperative for my many request. You are absolutely awesome. Your customer service is above reproach. You care about your customers wishes. You are an example for others to follow. If I had only one word to express my appreciation it would be. "Unbelievable". Thank you.
Raymond D McEntyre (USA)
Dear Gilles,
Thank you so much for the exquisitely crafted laguiole knife I received yesterday. It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful objects I have ever owned -- as delightful to behold as a fine museum piece. Congratulations to your entire team for their skilled work.
Michael Capone
Salut Gilles
My first order with Fontenille Pataud......I'm happy I did so, the knife has arrived safely.
I big thank you goes to you and all your staff ......exquisite French craftsmanship at its best. Your knives are beautifully made.
I have a feeling my brother will place an order soon ;-)
à bientôt I hope
Marc (Australia)
I just received my new knife and I'm floored at the quality. I sincerely look forward to enjoying my knife for simply the rest of my life.
Michael Rector (USA)
Kedves Beáta,
Tegnap kézbesítették,én most tudtam megnézni.
Nagyon szépek.
Örülök neki nagyon
Szép napot kívánok
Gábor (Hungary)
The knife has arrived thank you both for your efforts Gilles it is a work of art thank you very much
Kind Regards
Anthony Short (Australia)
Bonjour Monsieur Yann Delarboulas
The artwork is yet arrived today. It is wonderful. Please tell “Cutlery artist” it is done perfectly. Thank you for the great work. I hope that even a Laguiole will find its way to Munich / Ismaning :-)
You and all the people from Coutellerie Fontenille Pataud I wish all the best
Gerhard Konwalinka (Germany)
Dear Gilles,
Bonjour Yann,
the Knife arrived yesterday. It looks great!
Thank you very much for the perfect service.
With best regards
Alexander Schaal (Germany)
Thank you- my second order (a Le Pocket) arrived safely and is of couse a truly lovely knife. It is now on its way to my brother for his birthday....
best regards
Mike Poole
Nashville TN USA
I have received the beautiful knife I ordered. It was waiting for me when I returned from an extended trip.
Thank you very much,
Andy Chulack (USA)
I received my repaired knife today. Not only does Fontenille Pataud stand by their guarantee, the repair of my knife exceeded my expections. Thank you for the prompt service.
Your craftsman are true artists.
Ralph E Lusi
Hey, I ordered this ivory and silver knife four or five years ago. It is just perfect in every way. If possible, please tell the people or person that made it that they are amazing artists. Are your knives the best in the world? Anyway I love all of you guys. Have a great day.
Reed Wilcox
Dear Gilles,
Thanks for that beautiful knife :). It arrived just in time, and so I could take it with me on my backpacking tour to switzerland
Dear Gilles and team!
I recently received my Laguiole with amourette handles and razor sharp RWL steel blade. It is my third knife from you and I'm once again absolutely satisfied. Keep up your good work!
Greetings from vienna region,
Dear Gilles,
I wanted to commend you on your knives. Several years ago I ordered a Laguiole from another knife maker and although it is a well-made knife the Nature and Le Theirs in walnut and the U Cumpa Mammoth Tusk I received from you shows the pride you take in your knife making. You set the standard for French knives.
Knife arrived some days ago and I'm delighted with the workmanship and quality of service, thank you very much.
William G
Dear Gilles Steinberg,
The sport laguiole I have received is beautiful. Both the Damascus blade and bolster are eye candy. The blue mammoth molar with the red inlay are a good combination and finally the delicate filework and engraving on the inside of the handle are verry pretty. A perfect knife.
Best regards,
Hans de Vreught
dear gilles
the 2 chamois knives arrived today. They are great, the only minus is, that I have specifically orderd the engravings with a space in between the 2 year dates an the initials of our names.
they are lined up without any space in between. But non the less they are georgous. Thank you for the delivery in time, it´ll be a great suprise for our 16th anniversary.
All the best from Vienna
Hi Yann,
thanks for another lovely knife, I'm so impressed by the consistancy of what you guys produce. I've just placed another order today- looking forward to my delivery already
Dear MM. Gilles and Yann,
Please be advised that I have received the latest shipment in good order on Saturday, 30th May. As usual, I was not disappointed. Thank you again.
Gerald tan
This is my second set of steak knives and forks, the quality and finish is superb like the existing set. Vive la Fontenille!
Hi sir.i just recive the knife. it is a peace of art.im very happy for this knife it is one of best in my collection.thanks a lot sir.my next order will be in fiew days sir.
Today the knife I ordered (5 Coqs with amourette scales) arrived.
It is very beautiful and beyond my expectations!
My compliments to the craftsman or craftswoman who made it!
Merci beaucoup,
Hello Gilles,
Can you please pass on my thanks to the craftsman that put so much work into my knife, it arrived yesterday and I am so pleased with it. I would also like to thank you for selecting the mammoth ivory that best suited my specifications, it is perfect.
Kind Regards
I have previously owned the same set of superb hand crafted knives and matching forks. They are a real pleasure to handle, and the balance and cut is absolutely perfect. Expensive, yes. But what investment in pleasure comes without some financial sacrifice?
with best regards
Bonjour everyone at Fontenille-Pataud.
Today I received my order with for 5 COQS with bocote wood scales. I can tell by the grain it's the exact one shown on your website. It is simply beautiful. I love bocote wood anyway and it sure looks great on this knife. Very well made, great file work, the abalone inlay is bright and pretty. Your team continues to impress me with the attention to detail and stunning knives produced.
To whomever made this knife, I am grateful.
Debbie Parker
Special thanks to the entire team of Fontenille-Pataud! I recieved my two Laguiole Sport Guilloche knives with Juniper Burl handles yesterday. As was already the case with my previous order, I'm absolutely amazed by the superb craftsmanship with which these 'twins' were made. I'm very pleased and proud with these essential survival tools. Thank you very much! This won't be my last order I'm sure.
Best of luck!!
Dear Gilles
Thank you very much for replying so fast and delivering my dream knife within a day to Austria. As I told you already on the phone the Pialincu exceeds my expectations BY FAR!
This is my second fontenille-pataud knife and for sure not my last one...
All the best LEOPOLD from Vienna
Received my knifes and very pleased, thank you and will start my collection.....more to come...
Mike B.
Bonjour Gilles,
I’ve already received my Laguiole yesterday. Thank you very much for the fantastic work, great customer service and also a really beautiful knife. Attached you will find some photos of my Laguiole Nature Guilloché. If you like to show them on facebook, you have my permission.
Greetings from Germany,

My Laguiole traditionel 12 cm guilloche range maple burl arrived today. Really like the quality and detail on the knife and it almost got a medieval feel to it.
All the options you can chose/add to the knife makes this company my first choice when it comes to chose a personal knife.
Best regards
Hello Yann,
Magical, what a piece of art. I have just received my corsican-pialincu-classic knife, I bought it for myself with the view that in years to come I will pass it down to my son who's name I had engraved on the
Knife. It really is something that I believe will be in my family for generations to come, thank you Gilles, a pleasure to deal with you guys.
John Bickerstaff
Bonjour Yann!
Yesterday I received my knives and am very happy with them.
I'm so glad I decided to just go ahead and get two that I like. The Le Chamois with olive wood scales is great and I love he smell of olive wood. I'm almost mesmerized by the snake wood scales on the Pialincu and love the guilloche on it. Both are beautiful knives I will always treasure. These will make fine additions to my knife collection and Fontenille-Pataud is my favorite French knife maker, so hard to find in the USA.
Thank you also for taking care of the replacement scale for the buffalo bark on my other Le Chamois. I'm pleased with it and glad to have it back. Didn't take very long either so thank you, Gilles and the entire team.
Debbie Parker
Dear MM. Gilles and Yann,
I would advise that I have received the shipment of cutlery (ORDER REFERENCE XJYGVRKQN - PLACED ON 2015-02-26) in good order on Wednesday, 18th March. I was not disappointed. Absolutely beautiful! I'm going to have a hard time deciding which of the knives to use at any one time, be it the Le Capuchadou or the Laguoile Nature. The little Aurillac, on the other hand, has already replaced my Victorinox in my pocket as my "go-to" knife, and looks much better to boot! I also have to say that after handling the 9cm Aurillac, the Laguoile XS is looking more and more tempting...
My wife also sends her compliments on her 10cm Le Capuchadou and (the other) Aurillac. Being the first "artisan" knives that she has owned, I have this feeling that I might have started her on a new hobby.
So, merci encore, and until next time!
Gerald Tan (Singapour)
Hallo Herr Gilles, Hallo liebes Fontenille Pataud - Team,
Mein Laguiole Messer habe ich bekommen und ich muss sagen: "Es ist wirklich ein gelungenes Kunstwerk!" Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle bei dem Handwerker bedanken, der das gute Stück mit ersichtlicher Freude hergestellt hat und Ihnen weiterhin alles Gute wünschen!
Vielen Dank.
Herzliche Grüße,
Alex Braikrats
Thank you once again.
Carol Lowey
I received my knife, 5 Cogs with Pistachio wood, last week. It is simply beautiful and the file work on the spine is exquisite!
I have many knives made by your company and they are the best ever!
Thank you and whomever made this special knife for me.
Debbie Parker
the Laguiole is beautiful and outstanding quality! And sharp.
It is worth the Money!
The knife is beautiful my thanks to the cutlers, amazing levels of skill and passion.
I will treasure it for the rest of my life.
Many thanks,
Best Wishes
The stag handle feels really good in the hand and the personalised engraving adds a fine finishing touch to a high quality knife.
My knife arrived today, firstly thankyou very much for your prompt, and professional service.
I could not be more pleased with my knife, I am a 55 year old gentleman and have been collecting and making knives all of my life. So I really appreciate the amazing levels of skill and passion that your cutlers possess.
The fit, finish and alignment is all spot on. On top of this it has a charm and feeling all of it's own. It is refreshing to find a knife like this, as so many are now mainly machine made, and even though they can exhibit precision and accuracy, they seem to have no passion, feeling more like a machine part, than a treasured companion.
Could you also please pass on my heartfelt thanks, to the actual cutlers who made my knife. Letting them know they have made for me, something I will treasure for the rest of my days.
Again many thanks,
Best Wishes,
Hey Gilles,
I received the knives yesterday and could not be more pleased. Beautiful work.
they are just what I wanted, and the selection of materials was perfect. Thank you very much for doing such a great job for me. I will no doubt be ordering another in the near future. Keep up the great work, and have a very merry Christmas.
Dear Gilles,
As promissed my testimonial...
Last week I have received 3 knives: a full damast sport laguiole, a ful damast le Thiers and the scrimshaw sport Laguiole.
Over a month a go I asked Gilles if it was possible to make full damast versions of the laguiole (with delicate filing) and the le Thiers. It was like he described it: sort of a master piece indeed. Yes, that is exactly what they are (you can see the pictures on the site).
The beauty is in the details. I love damast steel: it has repetition but each repetition is unique. The sport laguiole has delicate filing and engraving on the inside of yhe knife: that is pure jazz singging to you.
The inside of the spring has a yellow color which gives the inside a golden glow and makes the engraving stand out. The bee on the spring is also engraved with care.The knife is 280 g heavy and it feels real majestic.
I really love the le Thiers. It shows lots of damast steel. It operates smoothly and it looks out of the box with the blade not in the middle but on top. With her delicate curves, she is my mistress ;-).
The scrimshaw sport laguiole is another story. Agaian the damast is pleasingly to see (actually the backside is more beautiful damast), Although the bolsters are curved the damast patterns are eye candy. The mammoth ivory is like coffee colored with lots of milk/cream. The scrimshaw drawing is made by a lot of tiny colored dots. The metal of the spring on the inside goes from yellow to lilac to yellow to lilac and again to yellow with a playful engraving all the way.
Best regards,
Hans de Vreught
Hello Yann,
Dear Gilles Steinberg,
I have received the scrimshaw knife (invoice 13604) in good order.
Again a stunningly beautiful knife.
Hans de Vreught
My Capuchadou was delivered yesterday.
The workmanship is exquisite and the graceful curve of the snakewood handle fits perfectly into the palm of my hand. It really is a beautiful knife of distinction and is a great companion to my Fontenille Pataud horn tip Laguiole Traditional.
Many thanks Gilles to you and your craftsmen.
Allan Henderson
The knife I ordered from the Gentleman's Range arrived this morning, sooner than I expected.
I am very happy with the quality and craftsmanship of the work and wish you and your company continued success in the future.
Thank you
Brisbane, Australia
I am absolutely delighted with my stunningly beautiful and wonderfully crafted knife -- the craftsmanship is superb and this elegant knife is already one of my most prized possessions.
Thank you so much.
I just wanted to let you know I received my knife today. I have quite a few Fontenille-Pataud knives but this one is even more special. The Le Chamois style is really different and I love it. The buffalo bark and lapis inset with the extra filing for the Guilloché range is just perfect beautiful.
Thank you so much for handling this order and whomever made this knife did an awesome job, which I truly appreciate.
Merci beaucoup!
Debbie Parker
I want give you a feedack magnifique I must say the knives arrived and I'm really impressed.
Very very superb.
They will not be the last knives I have ordered at fountenille patault.
Thank you and go on with this beautiful kind of knive manfacruring art.
Salutations de Allemagne
Morning Gilles,
It arrived yesterday, to my complete surprise!
A beautiful wee knife, which has to be unique in NZ.
Many thanks,
Mike P.
Bonjour Yann,
I received a very wonderful knife today. Again It's a Superb in handmaking and quality. I love this wonderful smell of juniper wood.
It's great to use it enjoying other french Specialities like cheese, baguette and wine - what a wonderful composition!
Many thanks and best wishes.
Jörg Wieczorek
Hello Yann,
Dear Gilles,
I received my knife this evening and it is truly a work of art. I will carry it proudly.
My thanks and complements to you and your entire company for the beautiful craftsmanship and the flawless execution of the order.
Best regards,
David Jones
Spring, Texas
Bonjour Yann,
yesterday i get my 2 knives.
These knives are incredible good the best french knives i`ve ever seen....
I have a collection of over 50 french knives, but these 2 are the best !
I ´ve never seen this qualitity before.
I will order some other knives in the future ...
Thank you verry much for the perfect service - i`m very satisfied...
Best regards
Dear all,
I just received the knive I ordered. It is even better than I had hoped for!
Thank you very much
Ernst Kraaij
Dear Gilles,
Today I received the knife I ordered during your holidays. I found it in perfect conditions. Thank you!
This knife is the third knife and the fourth item I bought from you. It is a traditional laguiole-12-cm-guilloche-range-knife and I am delighted to
find it as beautiful as the others. Really fine craftsmanship and on the state of the art.
It is worth every single cent of it’s price.; which is very fair when you compare with other Laguiole manufacturers.
Thank you very much for this fantastic item.
Kindest regards
Jochen Czayka
Now having one each Vendetta and Sperone, I can attest that this company is doing wonderful things with the Corsican knife. In simply visiting this website it is obvious that the blade style is very practical, although the full measure is in the use. And the knives have a very secure feel.
What's especially noticeable about the Gilles Corsican is how, when the thumb is placed on the thumbrest, the knife informs that it is ready to get to work. Of course, this also occurs with a decent Laguiole knife, but certainly as much with the Gilles Corsican.
I haven't otherwise experienced anything quite like the built-in intelligence - that is, the genuinely good handling characteristics - that these knives possess.
Pete (USA)
Bonjour Yann,
thank you so much for the prompt delivery.
I am sure that I will give great pleasure with this gift, because my friend is like me is a big fan of Laguiole knives.
This knive of Fontenille-Pataud is beautiful and of excellent quality.
Thanks again
best regards
Dear Mr. Gilles,
I want to express my thanks for your attention to my recent knife order.
I am truly satisfied with the quality of your work. My compliments to your
entire team.
With best regards,
Bien Joson
Dear Gilles
I am holding a piece of artisan beauty and luxury. It is my new 'Gentleman' knife with fragrant Juniper scales and the full Guilloche file work. It exudes quality. The weight, the feel, the infinite detail and craftsmanship. Alongside that and just as important, if not more so, is a knife that you just know will last generations.
Unlike many so called handmade items there is a secure assumption attached to the products from Gilles at Fontenille Pataud that every knife is the work of one person. You can feel the determined dedication in getting it right; delicate beauty mixed with utilitarian strength. It is a pleasure to use, hold, open and close or just peruse.
Jerry Hoare
Hello Yann,
I received my knife today it is BEAUTFUL .
The craftsmanship is superb thanks.
Dear Gilles
this to say my Gentleman Juniper has arrived and it is wonderful, thank you.
Best wishes,
Bonjour Gilles.
I recieved my knife today,it is truely a work of art. it will be a family heirloom.many thanks to the brilliant artisans at fontenille-pataud.excellent service,highly recommended!. Again Merci Merci Merci!
Andrew Clutterbuck
Bonjour Gilles et Yann
The knife arrived yesterday and is evertyhing I had hoped for.
Greg Bayes
Thank you Gilles - the two knife repairs have arrived and all is good. To
make sure I do something in return I shall order the knife mentioned a while
back from your website (Gentleman, Juniper scales).
Jerry Hoare
Hello sir. I just recive my knives now .i want to thank you sir for the (grand qualite )of your art .i hope recive a notification when you have a new product. Thanks a lot sir.
Khalid Alhayder
The Corsican knife has arrived a few days ago.
Thank you!
Dear Gilles,
I have just received again two new marvellous knives, a Corse Sperone and a Laguiole, both in rose damast steel. Your rose damast steel is really beautiful. To be proud of! Of course, the knives themselves are totally - as always - very beautiful and handsome. My felicitations to your collaborators!
Warm greetings from Antwerp.
I've received them and they are just fantastic.
Thanks again, Marcus
The knife has just arrived, and is perfect; beautifully made. My complements to you and your craftsmen!
Dear Gilles,
Thank you very much for sending me your traditional Laguiole knife, I have received it in good order.
I have to say, it is a piece of art, the finish and the engraving is of an extremely high quality and therefore I will use this knife very frequently for the rest of my life.
Gerald K. Spaan
Eersel, Netherlands
Dear Sir,
Thank you for the selection of knives that arrived last Monday. They are absolutely beautiful! I love the detail and the use of traditional, natural materials - completely different from mainstream knives. The workmanship is superb. They are beautifully proportioned, look magnificent and are very tactile. The juniper ones even smell great. They are all very different in character but all great examples of the knife-maker's art. I will definitely be buying again from you in the future.
Merci beaucoup,
Eric Chant
Bonjour Gilles,
yesterday the knife arrived, and I would like to thank you for the solution you found !
I like the knife, it's a marvellous art - piece and more than worth it to say thank you again !
Toda, best Regards,
Hello Gilles,
I received the little knife today and examined the file work with a loupe...
All I can say is 'exceptional' in every way
Who ever handmade this I would by a bottle of French burgundy and give to them as a sign of my appreciation.
There is nil blade play , the blade is perfectly centred and the forged bee is perfectly aligned
Merci Merci Merci!!
Hi Gilles
Thank you very much and I look forward to receiving my knife.
By the way, I originally found your company through the excellent Youtube review of the La Capuchadou knife posted by Stefan Schmalhaus. I know you are well aware of this video since you also have it posted on your web site but I would just like to give credit where it is due.
It is very encouraging to see these invaluable artisan skills still being practised. Even from just the pictures it is clear that your people put a lot of passion into their work.
Best regards
Dear Gilles,
I have just received today my two new capuchadou knives. They are very very nice, indeed.
I always liked your Corsican knives very much, but I must admit: I shall have to buy more capuchadou knives in the future. They are really something special! Smile!
Many greetings from Antwerp, Belgium.
Hello, Gilles!
My knife has just arrived! It is a great piece of craftsmanship, and it shows how much your work is beautiful. The details on the grip are fantastic and the locking system is very easy to use. Such a remarkable knife. It seems like an object to keep as a piece of one's inventoire of life. Great work has been put in this. I really like the fact that there is still a workshop that provides such an object.
Many thanks, and please keep up with this excellent tradition.
Rodrigo Sponchiado Uemura (Brazil)
What a state of the art is this knife!
The walnut wood is nice and has a nice deep dark colour. The decoration that is made on the metal is great. You can see that it is hand made with care and well quality materials. It is a very functional knife that will bring me a good use and hopefully luck when I am traveling and doing outdoor activities.
Hi Gilles,
Yesterday mr. postman delivered the knife. Very beautiful. Thanks a lot for such good service.
With kind regards,
Yep Zeinstra
Bonjour Gilles,
Sorry for the delay with my response. My entire family had been ill with the flu, and we are just now starting to come around and catch up on email.
The knife arrived 2 weeks ago. I was so elated that it had finally come and could not wait to give it to my husband. He was very surprised and happy to be the recipient of such a beautiful, but at the same time, very functional knife. He has shown the knife to many of his friends and co-workers. And all concur, that it is the most beautiful, well-made knife that they had ever seen.
Thank you for the fine craftsmanship and attention to detail that was put into making this knife!
With gratitude and appreciation,
Linda Tolbert
Hello Gilles,
Got the package with two very nice knives today. The Saint Amans is not 'black horn' but the 'light horn' tip version - no problem looks good to. The Le Chamois-Picnic with 2383 engraving and the emarald is a great looking outdoor knife.
Merci bien!
A un prochaine fois,
Nico Janssen
Bonjour Gilles.
I received my Laguiole knife yesterday, very impressed with the look and the
craftsmanship involved, I had my initials engraved into the spring which I
am extremely pleased with. Excellent work.
Many Thanks.
Andy Elkins. UK.
Bonjour Monsieur Gilles Steinberg
"Bon, Très Bon, Excellent"
There you can buy!
Ich habe Laquiolle von 4 Herstellern verglichen. Die Messer von Forge waren im Laden verfügbar und einige hatten schon auf dem ersten Blick Schwächen (z.B. unsaubere Verarbeitung der Übergänge von Mitres zu den Platinen oder schräg stehende Klinge). Die Messer von Aubrac, Durand und Pataud musste ich bestellen (Wachholder, satiniert und gouillochiert mit Doppelplatine; Achtung: Pataud gibt es nicht mit Doppelplatine). Leider war auch Aubrac am Übergang Mitres/Platine nicht sauber verarbeitet, bei Durand war das schon fast perfekt und bei Pataud tadellos. Die Griffe sind bei Durand am breitesten und bei Pataud - durch die bauchige Ausformung - ähnlich so breit wie Aubrac mit der Doppelplatine. Während bei Aubrac im Holz kleine Macken waren, hatten Durand (bis auf eine winzige Ansplitterung des Holzes) und Pataud keine Schwächen.
Aubrac und Pataud haben eigene Webseiten. Bei der von Aubrac fühlte ich mich leicht verloren. Bei Pataud hingegen vorbildlich. Eine übersichtliche Webseite mit guter Produktinformation und hilfreichen allgemeinen Information (incl. Filme) die eine Auswahl und Bestellung erleichtern.
Pataud bietet eine Direktvermarktung mit konkurslos breitem Angebot. Erst auf der Homepage ist die Vielfalt des Sortiments ersichtlich. Kein Händler bietet diese Vielfalt. So kann man auch oft eine andere Klinge (auch verschieden Damastarten) wählen. Mein Favorit die RWL34 mit ca. 60 HRC, deutlich mehr als die sonst übliche 56 für 12C27 (übrigens: Forge kann seinen T12 mit 58 anbieten und bei Schanz wird RWL34 mit 59-64 angegeben).
Toll auch die Möglichkeit sich unterschiedlich gouillochierte Federn - Biene auch mit Perlmuttinlay - auszuwählen. Zudem führt Pataud auch ein Backlooksystem. Damit entfällt jede Unsicherheit hinsichtlich der Sicherheit eines Federverschlusses der Klinge.
Ich habe mir dann noch ein Sperone (Backlook, gouillochiert) geholt. Die Klinge sitzt - ob offen oder geschlossen - fest und nichts wackelt. Der Eben/Rosenholzgriff ist sauber verarbeitet. Nur an einer Seite ist zwischen Platine(Backe) und Feder ein kleiner Spalt (hier war wohl die verbindende Nut zu groß). Nun habe ich mir noch zwei Laguiole mit Backlook (Wachholder und Büffelhornspitze, je gouillochiert mit RWL34) bestellt und überlege mir noch ein Messer mit Elfenbeingriff.
Zudem steht Herr Gilles Steinberg dem Kunden für Fragen hilfreich zur Seite.
So far my Feedback - feel free to use it (too much for my english - maybe you find a translator).
Kind regards
Mathias Gauch
PS maybe I buy an ivoryknife (this would be the 4. Gilles knife)
Dear Gilles,
I am pleased to confirm receipt of the Capuchadou and Le Chamois. Thank you for their swift and safe despatch.
The knives exhibit the level of artistry and artisanship for which your workshop is justifiably renown. Please convey my complements to the craftswomen and craftsmen.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Wright
Gilles, salut,
I have received it and want to express my admiration - it's a masterpiece! I wish you prosperity - which, I am sure, with this level of quality, will always be with you.
Sincerely yours,
Alexander Lebed
I apologize for taking some time to write back - things kept getting in the way as "things" are wont to do. The knives’ craftsmanship and aesthetic are both outstanding. I have identified the “Gentleman” range / sizing as my favorite and will likely order several more as gifts and for my own collection.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
John Paduano
Thank you Gilles, I have got it. Very nice job on this knife. I am very glad to have it back.
Lon Bull
Dear Gilles,
I gave my husband his knife tonight as a birthday gift and he was delighted with it. It certainly is beautiful
and will be treasured for many years to come.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Michele Davey
Hi Gilles,
the knife received on last saturday.
And i must say it's what i expected as much.
It's an awesome piece of handcraft,
Many thanx to all ..;-)
Klaus-Peter Paap
The 2 knives in the order are a delight. They are expertly made, as one would expect and they have an artistic quality which makes them look good as well as feeling good.
Dear Gilles,
The knife arrived yesterday! It is very nice! The bone and stainless steel is especially elegant and I am very satisfied.
Thanks for good and fast service!
Regards, Christopher Berk.
Bonjour Gilles,
I received the knives, well in advance of the date by which I had requested them. They look very nice!
Many thanks.
Chandran Mylvaganam
Dear Gilles,
The knife I received is absolutely stunning! The fit and finish is second to none, and the wider boxwood scales are a perfect fit to my hand. In fact, I love this knife so much I am going to purchase another one with the same wood featuring RWL34 steel instead!
Sam McCullough
I confirm receipt of my Laguiole 12cm "NATURE", lock-back in Ebony. It is a solid lock. Fit and Finish perfect. The engraving is beautiful.
Magnifique !
I ve got your knife. It is awesome. A peace of art. Now I am your client, great thanks!
Soslan Gurkaev - Russia
Dear Gilles,
I have just received my 4 new knives (2 Languioles, a Corsican Pialincu and a Savoy). Just as all previous deliveries, these knives are really beautiful and well made. "Chapeau"! I shall have no other choice than to collect them all :-)
Many greetings and lot of success!
Ivo Terrens
Hello Gilles,
The Le Thiers knife arrived today and, as always, your work is a work of art. Now in my collection I have thirteen of your knives.
As I have told you before, for most of my 75 years of age I have been collecting knives. In my collection, in addition to French knives, there are knives from places like Germany, Italy, England, Spain, South Africa, Japan, Argentina and the United States. But among all the knives in my collection the most admired and highly appreciated group of knives is the group of knives from Fontenille Pataud. This is not only my opinion but also the opinion expressed by all the persons, including knife collectors, who have seen my collection.
Soon it will be a decade since I acquired my first Fontenille Pataud and I hope to continue for many years collecting your knives.
Many thanks for all your help, advice and your excellent work through all these years,
Antonio Miro-Montilla
San Sebastian, Puerto Rico
For years, I have wanted the tableware. I decided to finally treat myself and purchase a service for two. It truly was worth the wait. Each piece is beautifully crafted and like the knives, the artistry is worth the expense. I am thrilled. They will be an elegant addition to my table. Thank you !
Debbra Kumm
Dear Gilles,
I have just received my new order of two Laguiole knives and an Corsican Vendetta knife. Just as the former knives I already got, they are really beautiful. And a quick and correct service to deliver them! You can be really proud of Fontenille Pataud: it is a superb brand! So I wish you a lot of succes with your cutlery.
Au revoir.
Ivo Terrens
I received my order last week and I must say that I am very pleased. I usually do not give feedback on items that I purchase, but I feel that it is well deserved in this circumstance. Every aspect of this knife boasts quality from the scales, to the file work, and even that "click" you hear when you open the knife. I've already received many compliments from my coworkers and my friends these past of couple of days and I think you will definitely be seeing a couple of new customers from the states. I was planning on purchasing two for my first order, but I decided to wait for just one and buy another depending on how much I liked your product… and it looks l'll be placing another orders shortly. Thank you and well done.
Edward A.
Virginia Beach, VA
Hi Gilles
I just want to let you know that I have received my order. And it looks amazing !!! Just how I imagined. Really nice job.
Thank you :)
Good evening,
This mail just to inform you that I have just received the two Corsican hand made Sperone knives. Much sooner than I had expected : buying knives in Spain takes much longer :-) .
The knives are realy superb. And can be opened very easily and smoothly.
Really products you can be proud of! I must certainly look at your other models.
Many greetings from Antwerp, Belgium.
Ivo Terrens
I just wanted to thank you and your team for making me this beautiful knife, and for having it delivered in time for my birthday, the 14th of July.
It is simply stunning to behold:)
Thanks again, and I wish you all a great summer!
Best Regards
Bjoernar Rendalsvik - Norway
Dear Mr. Gilles, today I recieved two beautiful knives. A Le Thiers and a Laguiole Gentleman. As I was expecting they are a pice of art, mechanicaly perfect, pleasant to the eyes. Im sure that I'm going to buy one of each knife you got in the internet page.
Hilda Torres
Dear Gilles,
My 12cm classic Nature knife in Juniper arrived this morning (in 24 hours, from Thiers France to Vienna Austria! Incredible!) and it’s a real beauty – pleasing to the eye, feels great in the hand and the aromatic, peppery note of the Juniper makes for a wonderful cutting experience. This new knife has just accompanied me through breakfast – cheese, bread and French sausage! I’m a happy camper! Gilles, what a great design! The blend of traditional (sleek laguiole form) and modern elements (lockback, blade stop) works fantastically!
The artisan, hand-crafted workmanship is a joy to behold, from the texture and fit of the scales and brushed stainless bolsters and blade, to the shepherds cross and the intricate guilloché work. The materials are high quality and combine and harmonise so well together. It’s reassuring to see and feel the care, pride and skill that is put into these beautiful artisan-made knives. Gilles, thanks for answering all my questions in detail and for your friendly, personalised customer service!
Kind regards,
Peter Panayi
Vienna, Austria
Thank you very much for knife its absolutely brilliant never seen a knife with such workmanship I will treasure this one. Once again thanking you. My grandfather is from Corsica that's why I wanted one both my parents are French to. Regards Paul from Australia
Hi Mr. Gilles, I recieve my beautiful Pialincu with black horn tip handle. It is perfect, beautiful hand made craftmanship! I'm so pleased. It's mechanical perfection!
Hilda Torres
Hier ein kleiner Beitrag für die "Testimonials":
Lieber Gilles, liebes Team von Fontenille Pataud!
Zuerst erhielt ich ein "Le Pocket-Guilloché Amourette", jetzt ein "Gentleman-Guilloché, Juniper burl". Beide Messer jeweils mit persönlicher Gravur. Ein jedes ist mehr als nur täglicher Begleiter, es sind liebevoll verarbeitete Meisterstücke. Traditionelles Handwerk und Design, modern interpretiert, detailliert verarbeitet, insgesamt perfekt umgesetzt. Vielen Dank für diese herausragenden Beweise ihrer enthusiastischen Handwerkskunst!
Excellente Jobs, unbedingt empfehlenswert!
Herzliche Grüße von Peter aus Elsdorf, Deutschland
Here is a small contribution to the "testimonials":
Dear Gilles, dear team of Fontenille Pataud!
First, I received a "Le Pocket amourette guilloché", now a "gentleman-guilloché, Juniper burl". Both knives each with personal engraving. Each one is more than just a daily companion, there are lovingly processed masterpieces. Traditional crafts and design with a modern twist, processed detail, total implemented perfectly.
Thank you for this outstanding evidence of their enthusiastic craftsmanship!
Excellent job, highly recommended!
Best regards Peter from Elsdorf, Germany
Bonjour Gilles,
My order arrived yesterday. It is very beautiful and am sure my husband will love it!!
Merci Beaucoup!! Have a wonderful day!!
Diane Meyer
I have just received the Laguiole dinner set for two, with horn tip handles. The materials and workmanship are excellent, they have a lovely 'feel' to them. They are a pleasure to look at, and use.
They make a perfect anniversary gift for a romantic meal for two.
This is my third order now, the service and quality of the products are superb.
Merci Gilles.
Bon Jour Gilles:
Fedex delivery was today.
The package was in good shape and the contents are very nice.
I checked over the entire piece very carefully and could only find one small flaw. The bone scale on one side does not fit flush to the steel end cap portion of the handle. There is a gap equal to a business card width that tapers to flush on the other side. This may be a factor of the natural grain structure of the horn tip itself. The horn may have bent slightly from a change in the humidity. It is in a location that is shielded by the tip of the closed screw so presents no concern.
Otherwise the shaping, polishing and fitting of the genuine horn tip is flawless.
The overall quality and function is superb. All of the rivets are nicely set and it is very smooth in fit and finish. All of the pivot points are snug and sturdy. The spring holding the screw is firm and tends to hold the screw very tightly when attempting to open it. Over time that will become more comfortable. I accept these to be subtle nuances that are part of owning such a high quality artisan style waiters knife. It makes it uniquely mine.
I would like to thank yourself personally and also all of the artists who worked on this beautiful Chateau Laguiole.
Tres Magnifique.
Gordon G Sopczak
I have just received my Guiloché Laguiole knife; it is beautifully crafted, a work of art. I ordered this after receiving my first Gilles knife as a christmas present. I am now looking at the dinner set.
These knives are a pleasure to own and use.
Merci Gilles.
Ian Yates.
I received the knife and it is beautiful!
Michael Gee - Partner
Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson, LLP
Die Messer von Fontenille-Pataud sind nicht nur handwerklich wundervoll ausgearbeitet, sondern erscheinen auch im Detail wie Kunstwerke. Aber keine Angst man kann sie nicht nur ansehen, sondern sie sind gut zu gebrauchen. Liegen gut in der Hand und schmeicheln dieser. Bei anderen Betrachtern lösen sie immer wieder Bewunderung aus.
Ich freue mich auch jedes Mal aufs Neue, wenn ich sie ansehe und in der Hand habe.
Jochen Czayka
Received my Knife yesterday and absolutely love it. The craftsmanship is even better than I expected. I look forward to many years of use and will absolutely recommend your company and knives to everyone I know.
Thank you so much for your prompt service and amazing attention to details.
Dear Gilles,
Hello Beata,
Recieved the knife today. Such a wonderful piece of art. Thanks!
Best regards,
Peter Benson
Hi Gilles,
Actually it turns out my email was premature--the knife came just hours later! I appreciate your response nonetheless.
Anyway, I really love it. This knife is heirloom quality! I love the file work and how you did the initials in the back, I can't believe it was all done by hand... I will definitely be ordering again and recommending you to others!
Thanks again,
Dear Gilles
Thank you much for the sport knife that was delivered today as promised. This knife is for my son's 21st birthday and it is the second knife we have ordered from you. Your knives are beautiful works of art and we love them. I look forward to ordering mores knives from you in the future when a suitable occasion arises.
Thank you
Joanne Yirrell
Bonjour Gilles,
Just to let you know my that bone-handled U Cumpa arrived safely and that I'm very happy with it. It's perfect.
kindest regards
Bonjour Gilles -
Bonjour Gilles,
arrived safe this morning, thank you.
As with my first order last year, I am extremely pleased with both the knife and the pouch. The craftsmanship, design and materials are again superb and I shall take great pleasure in owning and using this knife.
Thank you once again. Until my next order ....
The knife I ordered arrived in good time for Christmas. My husband was delighted with it! Excellent craftsmanship, a beautiful knife. Will be ordering another one very soon
Barbara Yates
01/02/2013 Dear Gilles,
Hello Gilles,
Hello Giles,
Just to let you know, the steak knife sets are excellent. We have used them continuously from day one – no problems at all.
The knife has arrived today. It is very beautiful!
Thank you.
David W.
London , UK
Bonjour Monsieur Steinberg,
I recently purchased a "Dinner for 2" Rosewood, 8 piece setting for my wife as one of her Christmas gifts. The set is beautiful, the craftsmanship pure perfection and my wife adores them. The concept of "Dinner for 2" is truly romantic and adds a very special feeling when we dine at home together. The meal is transformed into a return visit to France. After experiencing firsthand the quality of your workshop's craftsmanship I have promised to acquire for myself one of your exquisite pocket knives (the "Laguiole "Gentleman-Guilloché" with Amboina burl has caught my eye). You'll will be receiving my order shortly.
Merci encore,
Walter Sobryan
Lieber Gilles,
ich habe das Messer (Griff aus Wacholderholz, Klinge aus Rosendamast) heute erhalten und bin ganz begeistert. Es ist in Wirklichkeit noch viel schöner und eleganter als auf der Abbildung. Ein prachtvolles Stück Handarbeit!!!
Mit besten Grüßen aus Oberbayern
Thank you, Gilles! The Rouen model arrived today and I am very pleased! I hope to order from you again soon! Happy Holidays! Eric
Hello Gilles,
I own one off your great knifes for many years now. I use it every day for all kinds of things. So I use it the way it should be. I don't 'save' it but it is still in great shape!! A real high quality product I am still proud of to own, and love using it.
Kind regards,
Ferry Verwijk.
The Netherlands
To Mr. Gilles,
Knife received. Love it. Thanks to you and your professional artisans for the superb workmanship.
Jon K. Oh
Als Laguiole-Sammler bin ich sehr anspruchsvoll und verlange das Beste für mein Geld.
Nicht selten investiere ich bis zu 10 Stunden in einem Messer um die Mechanik einzufahren, die Seitenbacken oder die Klinge zu polieren oder Horn / Edelholz-Oberfläche auf höchste Gütestufe zu verbessern. Dabei werden alle Bearbeitungsfehler sichtbar.
Nicht so bei Fontenille Pateau aus Thiers und einigen wenigen anderen Hersteller aus der Gegend um Laguiole.
Hierr erhielt ich bisher nur allerfeinste Qualität. Das kann nur zustande kommen wenn alles stimmt, die Erfahrung der Mitarbeiter, ihre Motivation, die Zeitvorgaben, die Wartung und Pflege von Maschinenpark und Werkzeuge... und nicht die maximale Stückzahl mit minimalistischer Aufwand wie ich es leider zu oft - auch von namhaften Hersteller - erfahren musste.
Nach zahlreichen Bestellugen und Kontakte mit Gilles Steinberg bin ich zu der Überzeugung gekommen, dass er und ich die gleiche Liebe für Perfektion und Vollkommenheit teilen. Er ist sachkundig, innovativ, disponibel, flexibel, hifsbereit und zuverlässig.
Fontenille Pateaud ist daher zu einer meinem bevorzugten Quellen und einer tragenden Säule meiner umfangreichen Sammlung herangewachsen.
Mit Sicherheit war das nicht die letzte Bestellung.
Philippe Ledermann
Dear Gilles,
I want to let you know that I received my knife just the other day, but I wanted to wait for a while to write this review so I could put into words the way I feel towards your company and the products I have purchased.
Your Knives have surpassed the point of elegance, and in my opinion, truly are perfection. These knives are not only the most stunning things I will ever place in my pocket, but they also exhibit incredible utility! When I first received your knives, I feared that they couldn't hold up to many of the tasks that I needed them for, but after having one in my pocket everyday for the past year, they have all surpassed my expectations. And trust me, I put them through hell and not even one of them has developed blade play. I find that a company like yours is very rare, in that the way you treat your customers is truly second to none. Gilles, time after time, you, your company, and your products surpass all of my expectations!
Thank you very much,
Sam Mc Cullough
Bonjour Gilles,
Just want to thank you very much for the absolutely superb Nature knife you made me. The shades of ivory, the engraving on the spring and the file work on the bee are an outstanding demonstration of quality and craftsmanship. While the rose damascus steel bolsters and blade gives it just that little bit more cachet.
Also want to say thanks for your advice, excellent service and fast delivery. I am a very happy customer who's looking forward using this knife with great pride and pleasure for many years to come.
Kind regards from Les Pays-Bas,
Dear Gilles,
We received the ordered knife yesterday.
What a great present to receive, what a beautiful knife! Your service is of high quality, which will result in a new order soon!
Many thanks and wishing you a very nice day.
Kind regards,
Andrea & Joop
Große Freude über das U Cumpa: Ein Kleinod !
Christian Dehling
I don't know whether or not you get tired of hearing testimonials but I could not let this beautiful knife you sent me go unnoticed. I am American working in the south of France and wanted an authentic French knife, I could not more pleased with my gentleman's folder as well as even the leather pouch, the quality is fantastic. All this said I will be ordering another for myself. Thanks very much for everything.
Jorge de Goicoechea
Bonjour Gilles,
I received the knife in perfect conditions, and it was what i expected. Beautiful knifes with a touch of perfection, that i appreciate very much. I gave it to my father as a gift and he loved it.
Because of that, i am thinking in other order, but this it is for me. I am just not sure in which kind of blade i should choose.
Best Regards
Hugo Outeiro
All I can say is that this knife leaves me speechless! From the incredible figure of the olive wood, to the overall fit and finish of the blade, this knife truly is amazing. The customer service of your company is second to none, and you have again gained yourself a very satisfied customer.
Thank you very much for your time, you have been a pleasure to do business with,
Samuel McCullough
PS : Gilles, one more thing. Please pass on my gratitude to whomever put the edge on my blade, it is absolutely amazing !
Hello Gilles.
I can confirm that I have received my knife today. It is absolutely beautiful and the quality is fantastic, I am very pleased indeed.
I was recently in Millau on holiday and visited Laguiole, although tempted to buy one on the day, none of the knives I looked at had the lock and release mechanism like your knives do. I had done some research on the web prior to my holiday where I discovered your business and so decided to wait. Although I was buying online, your web site video gave me the confidence that I was buying a high quality hand made knife. The beauty and quality has now been confirmed now I have it in my hands, I am so glad I waited and not bought one on impulse whilst in Laguiole.
I will definitely recommend you to anyone who looks at my knife and may be interested in getting one for themselves.
The service and communication has been brilliant.
A BIG THANK YOU to you and your team for producing such works of art.
I look forward to many trouble free years using my new knife
Best regards
Richard Burn
Hallo GILLES ,
thank you very much for the fantastic "LAGUIOLE" ! Absolutely , its a piece of jewellery ! Allways , FONTENILLE PATAUD also is a quality of precision .
GILLES , have wonderfull holidays !
Best regards
Dear Gilles,
Simply one word: Stunning.
Thank you,
My second knife from Gilles and still perfect.
The beautiful stag handle, the sweetness of the mechanism of Laguiole Nature, fine detail are again present.
All the French know-how in a pocket knife!
A really high-end product!
Raphaël C.
I received my knife this week and it is beautiful. Superb Craftsmanship and design. Thank you for your attention to detail and fine quality product.
Sincerely, David Gilmore Meridian MS
Dear Sir or Madam,
Just a short note to thank you for the outstanding knife you have made me. I am looking forward to using it with great pleasure for many years to come.
Please be so kind as to pass my compliments to the person who did the guilloché work. He or she did a splendid job.
With kind regards,
Jan Nieuwenhuysen
Den Haag, Pays Bas
Dear Gilles,
I have just received this beautiful piece of craftsmanship. It is, from the tip of the damascus blade, to the horn handles, and the damascus bolsters, an exquisite knife. Attention to detail, fit and finish is superb.
In addition, the whole transaction was informed by personal, prompt and courteous responses.
One word of warning: if you purchase one of these knives, you'll soon want another!
Robert Bourke
Thanks for the quick delivery, I am delighted with the quality.
Uwe Belikat
Dear Gilles,
hello, the knife has arrived without damage and it is very beautiful. Thank you.
A few days ago I received my knife and it is such a wonderful piece of craftsmanship that I wanted to write and express my delight with it! The quality, the 'feel', the mechanism, the wonderful handle in Ram's horn; All of these together in one beautiful object.. what a pleasure to have discovered your website.
Many thanks to you,
Andrew Snelling
Bonjour Gilles,
The Knife arrived yesterday and it is a really Masterpiece, it is absolutely wonderful!!
Thank you very much and until the next knife! ;-)
Greetings from Austria,
Bonjour mister Steinberg ;_)
Chapeau! SE12-080 is a masterpiece.
Thanks for the real attention,
Jan Wellink - The Netherlands
Bonjour Gilles
Jerry Hoare - UK
Dear Gilles,
As an avid knife collector, I continue to be impressed with the quality of your knives and your customer service. My latest acquisitions Corsican bone and Gentleman mother or pearl, received today.
I have near to twenty of your knives in my collection and they hold pride of place. They certainly exhibit, what I think, is the best looking action available. I remain your loyal customer.
Will be placing a new order next week.
Kind regards,
Stefan Schaerf
Melbourne, Australia
Dear Gilles,
Just received my knive and I must say I am absolutely astonished by the marvellous quality and the craftmanship, it is absolutely top of the bill! I now have two Laguiole knives, One I bought in Holland, a Juniper burl with matt blade and bolsters and the new one: a guilloche model with bone handle and shiny blade and bolsters. The leather sheath is also of very high quality.
Thank you for your help with the delivery and your excellent service!
Best regards,
Kees de Roos, Holland
Salute Gilles ,
The order arrived in perfect condition. The steak knives are beautiful and will be a great addition to the set we already have. I can’t wait to give them to my husband for his birthday at the end of the month.
Dear Gilles:
:) received it today, just perfect, the service and the knife, thanks a lot!
I am pleased to tell you that my order was delivered today.
It is beautiful - the mirror polished steel and the Juniper wood complement each other perfectly. It is clear as soon as you take the knife out of the box that it is of the highest quality. The spring tension is perfect and the blade centring is precise. I love the guillochage on the spring and the way the handle fits your hand.
I am a very happy customer.
Kind regards
Jim Murray
There is something unique about these knives. Timeless elegance, handcrafted beauty, precision, durability; they have all of that, but more. Perhaps its the way the design blends the confident security of the past with a dashing streak of the now.
I have mine beside me while I work (at home) just as my dog lies at my feet. I look forward to its use, in fact I find things for it to do just because I want to. Sometimes I open and close it just to feel and hear the reassurance given by that well engineered click. They are expensive but then all the most enjoyable indulgences are.
Jerry UK
Ola Giles
Dear Gilles,
Hi there just received my knife , and what a great knife you have made, the detail is fantastic ,thanks again for such a great service.
My knife came yesterday and I must say that the pictures on your website really don't does these knives justice. The juniper handler is beautiful, you could actually smell it when I opened the package. The engraving on is is crisp and sharp, and the writing is perfectly legible. There is no play or gaps anywhere. I'll be ordering at least two more for my father and son very soon.
Dear Beate & Gilles Steinberg,
Today I received the knife in good order and I think it is a masterpiece. thanks!
Thank you both very much for the service and care to get the product (after so many problems) at my place.
I will recommend your company to my friends, it was a pleasure doing business with you.
Anthonie wouters.
Gilles - the Laguiole XS arrived safely. Thank you for such fast turnaround. This knife is something very special - a perfect size for every day carry, solid & satisfying movement, a pleasure to behold and it also cuts very well!
Thank you.
Dear Gilles,
The knives has arrived and are perfect – My husband loves them.
Best wishes,
The knife arrived today and it's great! Thanks Gilles
Mesdames et Messieurs,
I received the knife "U Cumpa" yesterday: it is a masterpiece, functional and aestetical! Thank you for this work!
Best Regards
Rolf Jurk
Dear Gilles,
The knife is very nice and I thank you for your very good support
Best regards and I come back to you.
Detlev Dohrmann
Hi Gilles, I unpacked the knives yesterday and they are beautiful. I am so happy with the two folders and the tableware you made for me. They are each works of art. The abalone (MOP) handle scales are like jewels. I will definitely have you make another knife for me in the near future. Thanks very much, David.
Dear Gilles,
today arrived my new Laguiole ( small locking blade XS 9 ) and I must say, I am deeply impressed by the look and the quality of this outstanding knife. It is a small masterpiece which is on the one hand very extraordinary but on the other hand also absolutely suitable as a real pocket knife for all purposes. In the meantime I have bought several knives from you, each one unique because all of them handcrafted what you can see and feel, and this gives each of them a precious touch.
All the best for you and your company !
Dear Ms. Beata Steinberg,
I would like to confirm that the knife had arrived today. Thank you very much for the great service! I am very pleasantly surprised with the quality of the knife and the craftsmanship of your knifemakers. It is getting more and more difficult to find such fine and quality products as your knifes. Keep up the great job.
With best regards from Canada,
Mac Dziewulski
The Laguiole Pocket arrived yesterday and all I can say it exceeds my expectations 300%! The file work is amazing, the finishing, and how it feels in the hand! Excellent!
Thank you,
Razvan Scanteianu
Bonjour Gilles
The order arrived today.What a surprise! Both the cheese knife with olive wood bolster and the Yssingeax cow bone pocket knife have exceeded my expectations. Each knife is beautifully crafted and should be a credit to your companies skill and dedication. I look forward to a lifetime of use.
Tim Wirth
Sydney, Australia
Bonjour Gilles
We have just received the parcel, thank you for the quick service.Have opened the box, c'est manifique!
We're very pleased with our Christmas present.
Merry christmas and happy new year,
Lucy and Neil
All I can say is that this knife leaves me speechless! From the incredible figure of the olive wood, to the overall fit and finish of the blade, this knife truly is amazing. The customer service of your company is second to none, and you have again gained yourself a very satisfied customer.
Thank you very much for your time, you have been a pleasure to do business with,
Samuel McCullough
PS : Gilles, one more thing. Please pass on my gratitude to whomever put the edge on my blade, it is absolutely amazing !
Bonjour Gilles
Finally the two Laguioles arrived; both are extremely beautiful. The damascus blade combined with the blue mammoth ivory handle looks great, flawless and elegant, I've never seen such a knife. I am glad with the choices I've made. The other one with the ivory handle is also such a piece of art.
Thank you Gilles for your personal advice and support during all selection the process.
Keep up with your great work and company
Javier R - Lima; Peru
Bonjour Gilles,
The 12cm 'picnic' knife with guillochage was delivered to me yesterday. The action is very smooth, the filework and finish is excellent and the Thuya burl is most attractive. The carrying pouch with the miniature steel was definitely 'the cherry on the top of the cake'. Congratulations for the excellent craftsmanship all round, and many thanks to you and your team for great work and service.
Best wishes,
Jeremy Grest
Bon Jour Gilles,
Bonjour, I have received my knives, and I am very pleased. They are wonderfully made, and should make my father, and my father in law, thrilled when they get them at Christmas. I'll be back soon to have one or more made for myself! Regards..........Todd Shireman
Bonjour Gilles,
The knife arrived safely today, thank you. I am very pleased with it. The XS 9cm is really an outstanding little Laguiole, and perfect for me to carry in my pocket. It is beautiful to look at and very well proportioned. The guillochage on the spring is really well executed, and on the blade back it is suitably subtle. (A small detail: the head of the bee had a very slight sharp edge to the touch, which I have smoothed to my own satisfaction with fine water paper.) The polished Amboine burl has a beautiful pattern and the handle fits flawlessly to the frame. The action is very precise and works smoothly. I would like to thank and congratulate the team that made this exceptional little knife.
UPS managed the customs clearance and door-to-door delivery very professionally and in record time. All in all, a very good experience from start to finish, with excellent service on your side. I am glad that I was able to talk to you about your initial problem with the card, and deal with it by phoning my bank Once that was sorted out there were no more problems.
Please feel free to post my comments on your Website. Thank you once again.
With my good wishes,
Jeremy Grest
We have received your excellent knife and are very pleased with it and your service. I will be recommending your website to others and certainly look forward to ordering from you again.
Kind Regards
Jo Yirrrell
Gilles, The knife and sheath are both outstanding! Thanks for upholding the art of fine cutlery and craftsmanship.
I have received my knife today and am very happy with the quality of the workmanship. It lives up to the standard that was promised and exceeds expectations. The photos showed a beautiful knife, but it can only be fully appreciated once held and used. I hope to have this knife for life.
Estella Zack - Australia
Hello Gilles,
Max Lokers/ Holland, MI USA
Ik wens u en uw medewerkers veel succes met de kunstzinnige verwerking van uw materialen.
Bonjour Gilles,
My new knife--a one-hand Guilloche--arrived a few moments ago, and I must say, it is a thing of beauty. The juniper burl not only looks great, it smells wonderful, like a morning walk in the mountains, and the "intricate" bee is an especially nice touch. Thanks for the suggestion. Congratulations to you and your staff on your continued excellent craftsmanship. I plan on returning with another order as soon as I can come up with a worthy recipient.
Best regards,
Russ Metz
Hello Gilles
Today my 3th knife arrived. Thanks a lot! I'm excited! The quality is great. I love it very much! There is no play in the blade, the RWL34 steel is very sharp, blade perfectly, the handle wood is excellent and the finish is great ! I hope you can still produce many of knives like this.
Best regards from Switzerland
Your fan
Peter Siber
Dear M Steinberg
Ron Havenhand
Just to let you know that I received the Laguiole "guilloche" knife and leather sheath this morning. The workmanship that has gone into this knife is absolutely fantastic; it is a work of art and such a beautiful object! Even the leather sheath is of such superb quality. I have a selection of Laguiole knives, but this one takes pride of place in my collection.
Thank you very much for your prompt service. I will have no hesitation in recommending your products to others.
Yours sincerely,
Neil Davis
Bonjour Gilles,
Dear Fontenille-Pataud Team,
Friday 9. Sep. 2011 I received the ordered laguiole knife by courier - the materials used look great and and your manufacturing is really excellent !
Thank you and kind regards
Axel Weissenborn
Bonjour Gilles,
I received the knive last Friday. I am very happy with it, the quality and design are superb.
Best Regards,
Josef Pegler
Hello Gilles,
Hello Gilles, I received the knife today, it fulfilled my expectations completely. My husband will love it. A thousand thanks for the great communication. We will not have bought the last knife in you.
Dear Gilles,
I am very pleased with my new knife. It is a work af art, as well as being a useful tool. It was a difficult decision, with so many options available, but I eventually chose a 11cm Amboina burl, Guilloche, with Damascus blade. The Damascus blade, with rose pattern, is fantastic and has been much admired, and the quality of the workmanship on that and all the details of the knife is excellent.
It is now a constant companion ! I may well be back!
Kind regards,
Norman J Pickett
My knife arrivved this morning, i thank you for responding so quickly. I am very pleased with its quality. Please feel free to use any of my comments on your website
Gary Bishop (UK)
Dear Gilles,
vielen Dank für ein so tolles Messer!! Die Lieferung ist unversehrt angekommen.
Da ich mich nicht entscheiden konnte, habe ich mir gleich drei Messer bestellt: Sport, Sperone und Roquefort. Wie versprochen waren die Messer innerhalb von ca. einer Woche da. Eines schöner und besser als das andere! Kein Vergleich zu industriell gefertigter Massenware. Jedem Einzelstück sieht man an, dass es wirklich von Hand und mit Hingabe gefertigt wurde. Alle diese Messer haben ihren ganz speziellen Reiz und sind sehr hochwertig verarbeitet!
Hi Gilles,
PS : And I forgot to say that the engraving on the back of the knife is beautifully done.
Gilles, I have received my order today and would like to thank you and your team for producing such beautiful knives, I know my nephews will be delighted to receive them. To me, the quality and finish of these knives epitomises the meaning of craftsmanship - To strive for perfection in every aspect of your work -
Dear Mr. Steinberg,
The knife I ordered arrived today—right on time. It is a beautiful piece of work, and the fragrance of the juniper is a nice bonus. I wish I could keep it for myself, but, alas, it’s a gift. But this is one gift that I won’t have to wonder whether I made the right choice. Some day soon I will be contacting you about another order—this time for myself.
Best regards,
Russell Metz
Thank you very much, I have received the cheese and butter set and I am very happy. Your product is very fine and beautifully detailed.
Hello again from Kansas City. The knife you and your team made for me arrived Friday, and I must say that I am absolutely thrilled with it. Everythign arrived as promised and in perfect condition. I own two other Laguiole knives - one from L'Artisan and another from Laguiole Aubrac. I am very happy with both of them, but this knife you and your team created for me is in a different class. The action is every bit as smooth as you claimed, in fact I am pretty astonished at just how smoothly the knife opens and closes. The blade locks with a satisfying click, but releases easily and smoothly. Lastly, the fabulous custom engraving work on the spring is simply the icing on the cake - it's an instant heirloom. I am very glad that I took your advice and went with the Nature series.
Please accept my thanks, and also please pass along to your team that I am very impressed with their work. I will recommend Fontenille-Pataud to anyone.
Dear Sirs,
for my birthday my wife presented to me the corsican sperone with walnut handle from your manufacture. For this knife I also want to thank you. I own already a "few" different knifes and when I have the wish to get another one she asks very gentle: do you need it, for what?
Let's explain: My knifes are all special and fit all my different purpuses. They are all in the range up to 100€.
I have already 2 knifes of French origin from the town Thiers (The place to visit for a all men with the need of special knifes - traveling with family it is advisable for this men to have a long and good entertainment program for them :-). All this knifes from Thiers glance by their handcraftship and simplicity - perfect, but not machine perfect, is what I discovered. Not machinemade which can be everywhere - mostly in Asia.
And than I came over your Corsican Sperone. Wow! It is even better than I expected from the internet information. Handcrafted with great precision. The feeling it is lying in the hand, the blade is opening and closing so smoothly and its sharpness.
Of course it was a little more expensive than my other knifes. But now I have my little Rolls Roys of knifes I am very proud for. My problem now is to use this Rolls Roys as tool a knife is usualy made for (a French knifemaker said when I showed him my 2 year old knife: it's like new; Not only by good care ;-).
And now this beauty of Corsican Sperone. Many words I wrote about it now, but I think there are not enough words and there is not enough space here.
If you like you can publish this with the hint for all knifeseeking men: Thiers is just a MUST for those like me.
Sorry about my english but my french from school is even worse.
Thank you very much and all the best to you
Merci beaucoup et bientemps
Christoph from Koeln/Cologne
The knife arrived yesterday and I spent last evening admiring the workmanship. Extremely well done. I own quite a number of blades, both fixed and folding, ranging from stock production knives to those of one single maker. Your knife will surely be one of the most treasured. I am looking forward to seeing how the rwl34 steel performs and how it sharpens.
Best regards,
Don Ruthven, Houston TX
Hi Gilles,
Yesterday, the Corsican Sperone knife was delivered. It's a very nice one and I am convinced my husband will be delighted when his birthday comes.
Thanks again and most certainly Chris will buy another knife from Fontenille-Pataud.
Best regards
Elvira W. - Koeln
Dear Gilles
i got my knife today. Another professional work from your team. It's the 4th item from you and it's stunning as the others. Thank you again
Best regards
Stefanos Stefanides - Cyprus
Bonjour Gilles,
I am writing to say that I am delighted with the knife. It is, of course, a beautiful work of art. It is also a very versatile and practical tool. It performs its tasks very well. This is the third knife of yours that I have owned. The first was a gift from a friend in Paris. The knife had been recommended to her by a man whose job was leading horseback trips in remote locations around the world. He always carried one of your knives on his journeys and said they were the “best in the world.” Sadly, my first knife was stolen from me. When that happened, I ordered a new one from you a few years ago and have been equally happy with it. Then more recently, when I realized you also made a heavier hunting knife, I ordered one of those too – my “MDM knife.”
Many people have asked me about these knives and I always tell them that they are the best folding knives in the world.
I am a happy customer.
Best regards from America,
Dear Gilles,
After one year of use of your knives, I am still very happy with my purchase. I want to thank you again for quick and uncomplicated delivery, and I want to address my special thanks to you and your team. Your knives are pieces of art, precise, durable and a joy to use. My family and friends are impressed by your work - those who know about craftmanship and those who just feel it alike.
Please keep up your stunning work!
Christian Zeman
Vienna, Austria
I would like to acknowledge safe delivery of the above order. Thank you very much : Tout est arrivé et est magnifique.
Joyeux Noël,
Robert Drake
DSP Partners Pty Ltd
Richmond VIC 3121
Dear Gilles and his team of artisans,
There are no words that can speak bright enough to say what was going through me when I saw the first glimpse of my knife. The first five minutes I did not say a word. Such beauty and elegance combined with robust shapes. And everything made by hand, that I really love. Fontenille Pataud has made me the best of knife and I hope my knife will help me cut for a lot of years to come!
Kind regards,
Durk Visser
The Netherlands
I just received the knife. Beautiful work! My husband is going to love it. Thanks again!
Dear Gilles, what a big surprise when our knives arrived yesterday ! I was blown away by their beauty as I opened each one up ! They are exquisite ! They are nice and heavy in your hand. This is a huge surprise because we are entertaining my closest friends and their spouses this Friday night and now I can set my dinner table with these pieces of art ! We are so pleased the knives have arrived early and Thanks for your personal service ! Joyeux Noel !
Ellis and Capell Simmons
Nashville, Tennessee USA
Dear Gilles,
I received the Nature knife with walnut handle that you helped me pick out as a gift for my friend... it is truly magnificent, a work of art! I'm sure my friend will love the uniqueness, beauty and function in it. Now, my only decision is which version I will order for myself! Please accept my sincerest compliments to you and the other craftsmen there for your outstanding work!
Doug Grabill
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, USA
Hallo Gilles,
heute habe ich mein viertes Laguiole von Fontenille Pataud bekommen, Bekassine in Silber mir Ahorngriffen, wunderschön. Schön, dass man bei FP unkompliziert auf Sonderwüsche eingeht
Grüsse aus dem Soonwald
Bernd Deissler
Bonjour Gilles,
The Laguiole and the Yssingeaux knives arrived safely this morning at about 09:15. To say that I am delighted with them would be an understatement! The quality of the fit, finish, filework and materials are all first rate. The cow horn is of a beautiful colour and gradation of tone, while the bone on the Yssingeaux has just the right amount of "grain" to distinguish it from ivory.
The only criticism that I can make is the the blade and the spring on the Yssingeaux are not quite aligned. When sighting along the back of the opened knife, the blade is inclined at a slight angle to the right of the axis of the spring. About 5 degrees I estimate. I have an exceptionally "straight eye", otherwise I would probably not have noticed it. However, I have no intention of returning the knife for this minor fault - no artisan can be perfect, only machines without a soul.
I will, without doubt, be ordering further knives from you when funds permit. Once more, my thanks.
Peter Bell, UK
Hello Mr. Steinberg!
Excuse my German sentences. My English is not the best but I try again. My knife arrived today and I must say my expectations were exceeded by far. A true work of art. Great workmanship and worth every penny.
Many, many thanks from Germany!
Mein Messer ist heute angekommen und ich muss sagen meine Erwartungen wurden bei weitem übertroffen. Ein echtes Kunstwerk für die Hosentasche. Tolle Handwerksarbeit und jeden Cent wert.
Vielen Dank !
Sascha Distelrath / Bad Neuenahr- Ahrweiler
Hello Gilles
Thank you so much for my beautiful knives and forks . They arrived today and are like all the other pieces I have from you they are stunning !!!
They will be used with much pride.
With thanks
Lisa Whittaker, NSW - Australia
Dear sir
I got the knife today. It's a marvellous piece of work. Absolutely magnificent.
Thank you very much.
Stefanos Stefanides - Cyprus
Hu Gilles,
The new line is beautiful! I will carry my new Juniper lock back daily - I hope you have a wonderful vacation -- but hurry back, the world needs your knives!
Your friend,
Leo Grillo - California
The knife arrived and it is wonderful. It looks better than the online photo. The knife is a n absolutely good work. Please send your workers greets. They did a great job.
And once more I have to thank you for your personal service. Maybe this one was not my last knife.
Greets and au revoir
Alexander Lenk
Hello Gilles
On Saturday I got the knife. Very beautiful it is. Thank you again.
Oliver Schnappauf- Switzerland
I received the item.
Everything was in good order and the little knife is a piece of jewellery.
lieber gilles,
wieder sind zwei schöne messer von fp angekommen: le thiers in nacre und buffle brut, nacre für madame. hervorragende handwerksarbeit, glückwunsch, gerne wieder.
bernd deissler
Bonjour Gilles!
I have just picked up the 5 engraved knives from my father's house! They are amazing! I have been showing them to everybody at my work and I am jealous of my groomsmen. I want one for myself and so does my father. I hope that my groomsmen appreciate the beauty of these knives. If they do not I will ask for them back and give them something else instead!
Thank you again for helping me out and providing such swift service. Take Care!
Chad Urata
Received the knives and they are absolutely wonderful. The set looks beautiful, feels great to hold, and works amazing. An exceptionally high quality product all around. Well worth the price. I looked around a lot before choosing and am very happy I chose Fontenille-Pataud.
Thank you again for working with me on the order. Your customer service has been as great as your knives.
Lisa Howenstein
I just got my knife.(Monday afternoon) very quick delivery. it is beutiful. i wiil email you when i want another one.
Danny Ford
Dear Gilles-Team!
Yesterday, I've got my new knife. Ironwood, Damascus blade. This one is worth much more for me than money can buy. This kind of craftsmanship is very seldom these days. Thanx a lot. I am very impressed.
Thank you also for a very easy and trustily transaction.
Greetings from a sunny day in Austria,
Tom Schneider
Received parcel yesterday afternoon. All is well. My expectations have been exceeded. Very nice knife and am using every chance I get. Thanks very much.
Matthew Hammon
I got the knives and they are beautiful. Thanks
Kent Willard
Ho appena ricevuto il mio Laguiole Nature con manico in montone nero : è bellissimo ! Complimenti per la finitura inappuntabile.
Grazie per avermi inviato un esemplare con un manico stupendo !
Gaetano Parisi
Verona Italia
Dear Gilles,
Did I thank you for the most beautiful grafting knife ? It is very very special thank you.
Brooke Lichtfield - London
Hi Gilles -
The knife arrived in fine shape. The juniper handle is very fragrant. The satin finish of the RWL34 steel is very attractive.
This knife is the best knife of my collection of Laguiole knives.
Thank You!
Michael Jue
California - USA
Thank you Gilles, I just received it. Beautiful work of art. I am tempted to order another one.
John C.Bauer , USA
Dear Gilles,
i will wright me testimonial in german, so every visitor from Germany, may read it and will understand my very positiv votation:
Lieber Gilles,
heute ist das Messer eingetroffen. Meine hohen Erwartungen wurden sogar noch übertroffen. Das Messer ist in bester Qualität gearbeitet und belegt den hohen Standard der Fontenille Pataud. Alles passt, nirgends eine Schwachstelle und überall wunderbar verarbeitet. Es lohnt sich etwas auf diese Arbeit zu warten - insbesondere die Zierschliffe und eingearbeitete Initialen sind eine Augenweide. Schön, daß es noch so perfekte Dinge gibt.
Mit Dank und den besten Wünschen für Deine Manufactur
Karl-Heinz aus Berlin
Many thanks and best wishes for you an your Manufactur
Bonjour Gilles.
I have received my knife this morning, excellent service.It is everything I expected, the design and quality is outstanding, I have a job to put the knife down.
It will live in my pocket at all times.I think it is the "Rolls Royce" of knife making and long may you continue to produce such Master Pieces.
All the very best for the future.
Philip Parkin
Special translation for a special customer !
Bonjour Gilles,
Ce laguiole Sport est vraiment magnifique...la qualité,l'esthetique tout est là.!!
The Sport knife is stunning. Quality & Beauty.
Merci pour l'accueil et la gentillesse de toute la maison "Fontenille-pataud" .
Thanks to Fontenille Pataud
Thibaut Privat (For those who are like us Rugby fans, Thibaud is one of the ASM Clermont Auvergne lock)
Hello Gilles and Beata,
The knife arrived today. It's very impressive. I'm glad I selected the juniper handle. It looks great and has a fine scent. Thank you very much for this well crafted knife.
Stewart German
Mark Blake / Berkeley, California
Dear Gilles,
I think these are not the last knifes which i will buy from your company.
Salut Gilles,
I received my knife on tuesday. Thank you so much for the choice of patterned olivewood! It looks great and it is exactly that what I want. =) A fine piece of craftmanship! The filework is just amazing! Great!
I think I will have a look on other knifes from your company, too!
Thank you so much for the excellent contact on email, the fast and secure delievery and -last, but not least- for "my" knife!
Best regards and have a fine day
Oliver - Ludwigshafen
Dear Mr Steinberg!
The knife arrived today. It's a wonderfull piece. Thank you very much for the super service and for this beautyfull knife.
Yours sincerely
Kim Diebel
I received the knives and they're absolutely beautiful!
Nien Su , Virginia (USA)
Dear Gilles,
The laguiole XS 9cm with mother of pearl handle that I have just received as a present from my wife is a gorgeous knife. The hand-work on the knife is superb, with beautiful attention to detail. The polished surfaces are immaculate and the blade opens very smoothly.
This is fine knife craftsmanship and a heirloom piece.
David Ng , Canada
Dr Peter Kleiss
Bonjour Gilles,
Vielen dank für die speditive Zusendung. Die Messer sind wirklich sehr schön und man spürt die Qualität der Anfertigung!
Hi Gilles,
I received the knife I ordered today.
I have been a knife collector since I was young and earned my first folding pocket knife in the U.S. Boy Scouts 35 years ago which I still have and treasure.All of the pocket knives in my small collection do not come close to the quality of the knife your craftsmen made for me. Not even the 100 year old knife that was left to me by my Grandfather when he passed away due to the unavailability of stainless steel in those days.This vendetta knife is everything I expected and more .I can see and feel the care and expertise that was put into this knife. The way the personalized engraving of my name on the spring is just superb.
I also am very pleased with your quick response to my emails. I definitely plan on saving up enough money to order more of your quality knives.
This knife is simply a work of art. Thanks again Gilles for your great business practice. Please never change it.
James A Weaver
Hi Gilles,
My Laguiole with the phantastic smelling juniper burl arrived today. I ordered it only 8 days ago, so thank you very much for the fast delivery. It is an excellent piece of craftsmanship, thanks a lot !
Best regards from Nürnberg, Germany
Dominik Feser
Hello Gilles,
The knife arrived today. A really really beautiful work, thanks a lot.
Greetings from Germany,
Niclas Beck
Good morning.
Received the Laguiole yesterday. Beautiful ! At a loss for words.
The wife made a nice filet mignon and I christianed it's used with that. Thank you very much. Have a good day.
Matt Hammon
Hello !
I want to say that I´m absolutely delighted with the knife (Laguiole 12cm, plein manche genevrier) I recently purchased from you. It comes alive with carry and use in a quite unexpected and delightful way.
Thanks again for your wonderful knives.
Yours very sincerly
Dominik Lepuschitz
The knife I received was exactly what I expected and hoped for. Well made,fine fit, and very nice to look at.
Excellent communiation and service. Would not hesitate to recommend your firm to anyone.
Rick Beers
John Dagnall- ( Le Thiers knife, carbon fiber handle)
Hi Gilles,
I have just got the knife. It is as fantastic as my first one (thank you). Now I will save my money still for a big Vendetta.
All the best Michael
Again many thanks for the efficient way this order has been executed.
Best regards,
Steak Knives are great! Thank you for everything.
The knife arrived today! Like before, it is more beautiful than the picture on the website. It is a beautiful masterpiece created by a superb master.
Yours is truly a great talent. I only hope that there are some young who want to follow in your footsteps. Again, thank you for suggesting the blue-green MOP. It is stunning!
Bonsoir Gilles ( I like the Spanish "vaya con Dios" ) - Have a Great Day from sunny southern California
Philip Hunt
Hello and good morning, we were on vacation and have come only home. The knife has come. Many thanks for the quick delivery. I am very contented with the result. Once again many thanks.
Viele Grüße Justin Hoffmann
Dear Gilles
That lovely knife has arrived. Thanks very much - the product is a delight to hold and I am sure to use.
Alan Simpson - UK
Hello Gilles,
Many greetings from Ulm
Hi Gilles,
The two gentleman folders came in. These are top notch ! Amazing quality and true craftmenship.
These are so nice I'm almost afraid to use them. Well done and thanks to you and your team.
I'm sure I will order another one.
Thank you so much,
Edgar Ubert - the Netherlands
Bonjour Gilles.
The knife has just been delivered.
This is the standard I was looking for and I'm delighted with it. Really a credit to you & your team. Thank you very much.
Kind regards
David Konopinski
Business Development Manager
Bonjour Mesdames, Messieurs,
"Dinner for two" just arrived. I'm very impressed by your craftmanship and the beauty of the knives, forks and spoons and especially by this beautiful rosewood.
Thank you very much, merci beaucoup
Peter Kloecker
Gilles -
I am over the moon! The knife arrived today, Friday, 19 December - what a great gift for the weekend!
I have been pestering the mailman every day this week until he was tired of seeing my face - haha - Gilles, this is such a wonderful piece of work - I could not be any happier.
Thank you!
John Long
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
"My purchase of a custom-made knife from fontenille-pataud.com was a first class, top shelf, 5-star experience. From the well-illustrated and informative website, to the quick response to my email query, and, within three weeks of placing my order, to the receipt of the expertly crafted, customized knife, the entire purchase experience was flawless.
And the knife: beautiful workmanship, a well balanced instrument of quality components. I'd ordered the knife to include
the custom application of my son's seven-lettered name...the knife, to include his name, is of such superb quality, I'm certain it will be passed on, as a family keepsake, to his son in the decades to come. In an age of cheaply made, mass produced wares it is a joy to own the product of craftsman who take pride in their work and uphold the artisan traditions of a by-gone age. I most highly recommend fontenille-pataud.com."
Susan, Virginia, USA
Dear Gilles,
I received my knife and sheath today. Everything is perfect--such admirable craftsmanship! I am very, very pleased. Thank you for your kind assistance throughout. I will certainly recommend your company to family and friends.
All the best,
Matthew D. Wright
University of Texas, Austin
Dear Sir / Madam,
Dear Gilles,
thank you very much for the knife, it is beauty full. I remember the contact to you and I look forward to more knives.
Have a nice day.
Kristina - Vienna Austria
Ritenete nulla la precedente email in quanto è arrivato ora il coltellino .
Siamo molto contenti e Vi ringraziamo.
distinti saluti
Siniscalchi Giuseppe
Global Trade Management
Thanks so much for making the delivery to NIce happen so smoothly. The knife is beautiful! I just wanted to let you know how satisfied I am and that I will most definitely be wanting more of your products in the future.
Thanks again!
Keith Barnes
President/Creative Director
Bainbridge Island WA 98110
Hello Mr. Steinberg,
I have today my beautiful knife received again thank you for the beautiful knife - Really beautiful handmade product
Thanke you and the Fa. Fontenille-Pataud - it's great!!!
Alan SVEC :-)
Dear M. Steinberg,
I have enjoyed my Gilles-Laguiole ever since I collected it some ten years ago. It has so far never needed resharpening, and the juniper handle still evaporates this unique aroma.
Your products are worth every single "sou".
Thanks again.
Klaus D. Bätz, Coburg, Germany
Hello Gilles,
Today I picked up my order from you, and I must say I am very pleased with the result. As I expected the brass gives the knife a warm and more earthy appearance, and the horn is beautifully organic in feel and look. The steel in the blade which you recommended seems very sturdy and certainly allows enough sharpness, I am also very happy that I went ahead with your recommendation towards a less guilloché blade so as to achieve the simplicity I desired. The build is wonderfully solid and precise, I believe this knife is going to become a steady companion to me from now on.
Thank you Gilles for a product that will bring me much joy! As I travel to Provence this summer I will make good use of it servingmyself from the french delicacies.
Best regards
Staffan, Linköping, Sweden
Margaret Lo
Vice President & Senior Counsel
The CIT Group/Consumer Finance, Inc.Livingston
Cher Gilles,
You will see I placed another order. I am very patient and willing to wait until all 3 are ready if that will save me some shipping.
I received them last week and they are marvelous! You are a great craftsman!
merci sincèrement
Jonathan / Maryland-USA
Thanks Gilles, order arrived on Friday in perfect shape. The knives and corkscrew are fantastic.
Graham Wetter
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
Alberta Central
Hey, Gilles! Wow, 3 cheers for the fine cutlers of F-P! See, I answered my own question about what a knife maker is called, with the help of your brochure or the guarantee certificate. Both of our knives are so beautiful. I love the olive wood, and am glad you didn't convince me to go with a darker wood. I am trying to figure out how to maintain this sharp blade. I also like the smooth action of bruce's locking knife. We spent xmas eve slicing our adults-only dinner into itty bitty pieces with your knives! Thanks for making such a fantastic product! I'm sure you must hear this all the time and you are used to
it by now!
I have received my order in fine condition, Sirs: I have been collecting knives for more than 40yrs and have always wanted to own a custom made Languiole. It instantly became the pride of my collection. It is the finest pocket knife I have ever owned or seen, craftmanship is extremely precise, action is smooth and silent and fit is perfect. I hope one day to hand it to my son for his and so-on. Please thank all concerned in the manufacture of MY Knife, you have every right to be very proud of your product.
Thank You Sincerely, R Nault
I received the package the other day and I wanted to let you know that it's an exquisite knife. You all did an absolutely wonderful job on it and I will cherish it for years to come.
Thank you,
bonjour gilles,
yesterday the knife arrived
thank you very much
i´m very happy
its a beautyful knive
greetings from munich, dominik
Hello Gilles
I've just received the knife. It looks very nice, better than on photos.
Grzegorz Mironski
Rick Delcambre
In December 2005 you made a Laguiole knife for my husband, and I was so impressed when I saw it that I would like you to make the same knife once more.
Subject: knife order to Hawaii
Dear Gilles,
I bought a set of six knives with Birch handles last January. My wife loved them! I would like to complete a set of 12 as a Christmas present, but wanted to choose a different handle. Do you have a suggestion for wood to complement the 6 birch handles we already have?
Craig Coblentz
Received it. Very nice work. Thank you!
Christian Rodatus
Gary Riley
Lloyds TSB Group IT
I know its a little late in reply to my order but just wanted to say that i love the knives and so impressed with the craftmanship and my guests often compliment them its nice to hear compliments sometimes instead of all problems hey!
Marc at restaurant fraiche
Hello Gilles just wanted to say sorry but I have only one word to describe your new locking Laguiole .... .... Brilliant!! .... Thanks very much for the excellent product and superb integration from old to new! Well done....
Dear Sirs,
I just receive the knife as per your invoice F5492 01/09/2005.
Thank you very much; the knife is really superb as many others I collected from your range.
You are no doubt the best french knife makers.
Yours faithfully
Antonio Berni
Hello Gilles,
Just wanted to let you know that the knife has arrived safely in the UK.
Thanks again.
I just received my knife. Thank you! It is beautiful.
Richard K Sattler
Dear Gilles,
We have received the forks and they are beautiful. Thank you so much for your personal attention to our request. We enjoy doing business with you.
Thank you - Sincerely
Evelyn Bolwell
great thank you , best regards Hans
Just a short note to let you know that I received my knife last week. It is indeed an example of fine craftsmanship - I am very impressed and happy with it. Thanks for your excellent and prompt service.
Jim Moir.
Gilles - steak knives have arrived here in the UK and they are excellent,
Chris Lazenby
Hello, Gilles.
The knife that you made for me arrived today. It is beautiful, I love it.
Thank you for such great service, and such a great knife.
I am sure to be back for another.
Dave Wiley
I received the steak knives today with the black horn handles. You sent both the polished and matte finish blades as agreed. I can say they are both beautiful, but decided I prefer the matte finish as I think maybe they are a little bit more distinctive. Thank you very much for shipping them as promised. I have them in time for Christmas.
I look forward to cutting into thick juicy steaks with your wonderful knives for many years to come!
Alan C. Steinbeck
a quick note -
the 2 knives and corkscrew arrived in NYC today - perfect timing, and they look absolutely beautiful - much nicer in person than in the photos, just as your website said! The sheaths are the best I've seen and the details are splendid! I love the stampings on the blade tangs!!
I am very pleased, and I am very confident my wife will love her two gifts!!
Thanks again for all your help - I will be ordering again in future!
Have a great holiday and a healthy, safe 2005!
Philip Papas
Hi Gilles,
Just letting you know I received my knives, safe and sound. They're magnificent, thankyou. It's a real pleasure to find someone still making such high quality items.
Thanks again,
Iain Haigh
Please ignore last e-mail about tracking i.d-. parcel arrived today-a very fine knife,
Thank You,
Thomas Fosbury
Thomas Richter
Gilles, I have just opened the envelope, and ... love at first sight: the knife is beautiful and works fine.
Merci mon ami. Eduardo.
Hi Gilles,
I received the knife. Thank you very much!
Have a wonderful day!!
Ken Seeger
I just received my order for Laguiole 'picnic' knife (Cert. no: 1935) and I`m very pleased. What a beatiful peace of work! Thank You gentelmen. You are very good craftsman.
Best regards,
Grzegorz Dziubek
I apologise for the delay in responding,but the knife only arrived
yesterday .....the 6th of January! Why it took so long I do not know, however it was worth waiting for! It is truly beautiful! A work of art! I am very happy with it!
Thank you so much and I hope that you have a very Happy New Year! If you are preparing anything very special,let me know.
Thank you again,
Jim Walsh
Hello Gilles,
I just received my knife and I have to tell you that I like it very much. No comparison possible to the one I already own - it's kind of a totally different knife
Thanks a lot!
Walter Scharf
Manager Internet & Intellectual Property
Laguiole arrived yesterday. I'm as pleased as always.
Al De tuerk
Salut Gilles.... Just received my knife and once again great workmanship! And thank you for the leather sheath as well!! The 'guilloché' effect is excellent and will be a great Christmas present to my father, however I like it so much I want one myself!! Could you do the same again but in wood?
Alex Lentati
Dear Gilles,
I have received your beautiful knives. They are even more special than we thought. You are a true artist, and thank you so much for the time you devoted to making them!
We are sure to order from you again and will gladly recommend your knives to others.
Ale and Mary Jane Miller
Cher Gilles,
Just to let you know the knife arrived safely and has been given to my brother-in-law. We were both impressed and delighted with the fine workmanship and I would like to thank you again for taking care of my order. My brother-in-law and I drank a very fine bottle of Gevrey-Chambertin (and a Nuits St. Georges too) in your honour.
Neil Macdonald
Robert Brandon
Dear Gilles
I received my knife this morning. I just thought I'd write to say thank you
and let you know that I am very proud to own such a beatiful tool.
Best regards
Mark Glenister - UK
I got the correct shipment today. The knife is magnifique! Fed Ex verified that the other shipment has been redelivered to the correct recipient. They make mistakes but they respond very well in correcting them. Thank you.
Robert Hughes
Thank you for your quick response....I understand it completely!
It is not too much of a problem at all but I have just caught the palm of my hand slightly a couple of times. I am more than happy with the quality of the knife and will certainly cherish it for years to come.
Thanks again,
Bonjour Gilles,
Firstly I would like to thank you for the amazing level of service you have shown me. I can't remember a better experience when buying any products, let alone over the internet.
Secondly, now that the cutlery has arrived what can I say - fantastique! The workmanship is faultless and the knives and forks are, as I had hoped, works of art. I think my wife has chosen a particularly fine gift for her 40th birthday. (She doesn't know she's getting the forks so that will be a nicesurprise.)
Lastly, thanks for the mother in law knife. I assume we are supposed to give it to my mother law and not use it on her!
Merci Beaucoup,
Craig Fenemor - Australia
I got the knife today. I like it very much.The wood smells so good.
I only regret that I have not bought such a wonderful knife before.
Best regards from a satisfied customer from Sweden
Olle Lagerstedt
Hi Gilles,
Thank you very much! You`re knife is great. I carry it every day!
Friedhelm Roth
David Wiley, USA
Gilles, Thank you, My Laguiole arrived monday. Ive been using it every chance I get. What a wonderful piece. I am very impressed. Thanks again for everything,I have already started bragging about this knife. Its wonderful and i have become a living addvertisment for you...
Best regards. Don Muther.
Dear Gilles,
I received the knife--I like the pearl inlay, sublte yet distinctive--I am sure we will do business again and my best wishes for
your continuing success.
James Keefer - USA
Gilles I received the knife. It is everything i expected and more. So nice to know that there are people who still take the time to make objects of the highest quality. You are truly to be commended for your skill and dedication. Thanks ron
Hi Gilles,
We received the 12 knives and box today. Much thanks.
They are beautiful. We will christen two of them this evening with nicefilet's, salad and a bottle of 93 Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin's La Grande Dame!
A toast to you and pleasure for us
Paul Herrington
I received the knife today and I must agree with you. It is a very fine piece of cutlery. Thank you!
Robert Stanfill - USA
Happy New Year to you. The set is beautiful and quite excellent.
Charlie Frumberg - NYC
Dear Gilles,
I have recently received the two knives that I hadordered from you. The knives are excellent. It is a pleasure to see such fine craftsmanship! I wasparticularly impressed with the knife handle using the boxwood burl.
Sincerely, Steven Purcell
Hi Gilles,
The knives arrived today, in good shape and with no damages. They are GREAT!!. Thanks for your patience and I hope we do a lot of business in the future.
Bill Hussey
Bay Partners, Inc.
I received my corkscrew and in perfect condition
Paul Bridges
Louisville, Kentucky
Hello Folks
Just received my knife. It is even better than I expected it to be. I am very pleased with the workmanship and the quality. I am very proud to own one of your knives. I have showed it to some of my friends and perhaps they will also order one at some point and time. Please thank all of your folks that were involved in the making of this knife. Again I am very proud to have it. There is only one problem, it is too nice to use. I just want to display it for folks to see.
Again Thanks
Garry E Matheny
the knife is beautiful. Wonderfully put together, great balance, very solid feel, gorgeous blade, the ivory looks awesome, in short, a real work of art. Again, many thanks.
Mikhail Mezhiritsky
My corkscrew arrived quicker than I expected, and in excellent condition. I promptly tested it on an old favorite. Even opening bottles is now a new pleasure. Thank you
Michael Edwards
Hello Gilles,
I received my knife in today's mail. I am so happy with the work you have done for me in exchanging the blade with one that says, "Hand Made In France". Thank you very much for your time and effort. Your knives are a beautiful work of art and I am proud to own one in my collection.
I will not hesitate to order from you in the future and I am also telling my friends who collect knives about your business. In this day and age, it is hard to find reputable dealers who offer outstanding products and service as you do. Gilles, again let me say, thank you very much and I truly appreciate what you have done for me.
Keith Hollar
The kives came today. They look great, real works of art.
Drew Hendricks - USA
Just a note to let you know that I received the knife in time for my husband's birthday. He absolutely loves it. The knife is a work of art.
Thanks again
Sandra Vatalaro
Hi Gilles,
I'm just back from holiday and found your crazy version of a steak knife in my mail :-)
Well, I think it will do the job...probably for the next 150 years or so...looks very durable... thanks again for a nice piece!!!
Unfortunately since my girlfriend is vegetarien, she banned it from the table and it will have to stay with my other knives in the collectors area... so I unfortunately have to use this terrible kitchen knives a little longer...
By the way, last week I met somebody you maybe know... I visited Wolfgang Wojtinowski from Bavaria to have an introduction into knivemaking. He said, he met you a while ago on an exhibition in Nürnberg (?, not sure about the
place). The world is small sometimes...
Best regards to France,
Ralf Fitschen
P.S. As I said a while ago, I wrote a review of the knife and posted it on the forum, I told you. Resonance was very positive so far and I hope that will do something good for your business...
Dear mr Steinberg,
I liked the knives very well and they completely matched my expectations. A lot of them have been presented to our clients by myself and I can tell you that up until now the reations have been very positive and there is a lot of appreciation for the craftmanship involved. I hope to send a new order somewhere in the near future.
Kind regards,
Bert van de Belt
PS: I also was very charmed by my personal order (even my wife who is not very interested in knives liked it )
I received the knife, Gilles. It is a thing of beauty. I am delighted with my choice. The Letter Wood handle is superb, the workmanship, first rate. You are a great artisan, and a man of honor. I appreciate the tasteful professionalism you showed me on this order. You are a true gentleman. I will be back.
Semper Fidelis
Jean-Jacques de Mesterton
Mr. Steinberg,
I have received both of my knives and find them absolutely beautiful!! Thanks do much, you are truly artisans.
I just want to compliment you on the excellent service and product I received from your company. On 11 Jan I
ordered a knife and expected it to take quite sometime to get here (USA). I received the knife this morning, and what a surprise it was, not only the short time it took to get here but the knife itself.
I am an active member of two knife forums on the Internet, www.bladeforums.com and www.knifeforums.com
and I will be spreading a good word about your company and product.
Thanks again,
Mark Lee
I received my new knife today and was very pleased in every respect. I am sure I will be ordering another from you very soon. Thank you, Daniel
Today's Post delivered the order you recently shipped. Our parcel arrived before anticipated and in good condition thanks to your careful packaging. The matched wood used on all utensils is elegant. We are proud to give these items as gifts since they will be treasured for many years by people who appreciate fine cutlery.
We where amazed to see the lovely special you've included with our order. A generous gift, thank you so much. We plan to keep this item for our table and share its story with family and guests. May the Holidays bring you health, wealth, and time to enjoy life...
Best Wishes,
Cecil & Jo Ann Jordan
ps...we look forward to doing business with you again
Just an email to let you know that we received our knives and we LOVE them! They are absolutely beautiful! We expect to enjoy them for years to come...
Thank you for your help and the best to you and your business.
Enjoy the seasons!
Rosane Gee
I received the knives on Tuesday October 2. So I took only about one week to get here. I find they are beautiful. I especially like the guilloche pattern. The movement of the blade is very smooth and I like the matte finish stainless. I like the width of the handles. The width combined with the slim profile from top to bottom and the gentle curve of the handle make it a very
graceful knife that feels so perfect to hold. Some I have seen are not quite as wide. I will visit your site in the future to see if you have anything new. The scorpion shape is also appealing. I have looked at the corsican knives also, but will probably wait until I have actually visited Corsica.
Keep up the good work.
Dennis Chamberlain
Dear Gilles:
I received the knife just yesterday, and wanted to let you know how pleased I am. I am very impressed with your workmanship - it is the finest quality, and sharp as a razor.
I will probably order more as Christmas presents to some business colleagues, so I'll write again around October.
have a good summer
John Fregonese
Hey there,
I just wanted to inform you that the roquefort knife has arrived and I am very happy. I can actually smell the juniper wood. It was particularly kind of you to also include the leather sheath. Thank you for that extra consideration.
Regards, Steve
Stephen M. Polozie
Hello Gilles-
I received the olive-wood yssingeaux knife and the two sheaths that I ordered from you, thanks. The knife is beautiful. I have one question: isis okay to store the knives that I have in their sheaths for a long period of time, or is it better not to do that? I was just wondering, as I want totake good care of them.
Thanks again-
Alex Watts , San Diego CA
Hello Gilles,
The knives arrived this afternoon and they are beautiful- in every way worth the wait. Thank you very much for the courteous way in which you handled this stressful transaction. You can be sure that all of my "knife" friends will hear of and see your good work.
I will be on a fishing trip until about 10 May then I plan to send you another order when I return.
Thanks again and best regards,
Hello Gilles,
I have received my most recent order and, as always, I am very pleased with the knives. Thank you very much.
I continue to show your knives to my friends and they are all very impressed. I hope they will soon loosen their purse strings and make a purchase.
Enjoy your holidays! And thanks again.
Best Regards,
Mike Davis
Dear Gilles,
Yesterday I received the two knives listed below and I am very pleased. The knife with the stainless Damascus blade and ivory handle is especially a real beauty.
Yours truly,
Greg Pallone
James Keefer, Grass valley CA , USA
Dear Gilles:
Now that the holiday's have past, let me take this opportunity to tell you how delighted I was with the 2 knives I previously ordered. They are a work of art,my hats off to you and your fine craftsman.
Again, Thank you.
Judie Terrell
Thank you for the prompt response. The knife arrived today, and I am delighted. The fact that this knife was shipped directly to me from France is especially important to me. I work in the wine trade, and sell some wonderful French wines--in fact, these are the wines that make me proud to sell wines at all (Chinon, Bourgueil, Cheverny, Quincy, Savennieres, Cassis,
Bandol, Rasteau, Gigondas, Morgon, Fleurie, Moulin-a-Vent, Cahors,Irouleguy, Jurancon, etc.--Vive la France!!).
It was a pleasure to do business with you, and I hope to do more in the future.
Very truly yours,
Carter Nevill
Boyd Tavern, Virginia